Barkit Kennels

Blu--- Cindy---Biska--- Kokona--- Mayra--- Steelie--- Seaslug--- Un-named

Welcome to
Shady Green
Dog rescue

Here at the rescue, I'll take on any dogs that need rescuing! Dogs on FP need rescuing for lots of reasons, not all of them the owner's fault. I'll take dogs if:
• The owner can no longer keep the dog due to FPD/space/time issues.
• The dog is in the Humane Association.
• The dog is not being cared for.

Once I take on a dog, the dog will get all the care I can give it, and will not be sold until it is a suitable standard for it's age! Each dog in Shady Green will get:
• The correct toy to make them happy.
• The correct equipment for their speciality.
• Complete daily care.
• Regular training and competition experience.

To surrender a dog, just send the rescue here a message!

Don't want the rescue to re-sell your dog? Just let me know when you surrender one!
Clipart from here.

Game Time

06:10pm on Mar 9

Welcome Guest

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