Tokyo's Kingdom Kennel

Welcome to Moonlight Kennel my name is Aiko and I am the owner and founder of Moonlight Kennel,go ahead and have a look around if you would like to do so.Here I breed German Shepherds and Xoloitzcuintles,none of my dogs are inbred as I do not support inbreeding.

My dogs are trained and showed regularly.Pups are cared for thoroughly everyday.They are interacted with as soon as they are born.They are started on puppy chow at the age of 2. I very rarely sell my dogs or pups but if I do I only sell them to approved kennels that breed German Shepherds and Xoloitzcuintles.
About Me

I'm an adult female player who lives in Tokyo Japan and suffers from severe depression.I don't have a lot of friends no one wants to be around anyone in my condition.I have isolated myself completely.I play on here to try to escape from my horrible thoughts and my feelings.If I'm not online I'm sleeping.Well enough about my pitiful life,I know some of you are regretting visiting my profile.Perhaps you should read someone else's happy profile and ignore mine.I can deal with being ignored....I'm used to it.I'm not looking for your sympathy,I don't need or want your sympathy.I'm sorry if that sounded rude to some of you.
Breeding Requests
My males will be up for stud when they are at level 10.I will only accept breeding requests from other female dogs that are at level 10 also,there will be no exceptions.Before sending a breeding request for one of my males make sure your females aren't related to my males.

Game Time

08:24pm on Mar 28

Welcome Guest

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