Zacaria Manor


About Zacaria Manor

I'm working on my own homebred Rottweilers. I'm only on my 3rd generation after many years as I'm a busy full-time dog trainer and mum of 2 in real life. My own standards: No inbreeding, no low-level breeding (level 50 for first generation breeding is standard), majority started from store dogs or those with previous generations have no lower than level 10 ancestors. No fairs or poors EVER. I lock my dogs when I'm too busy or have poor internet connection.

I breed for quality, not quantity. I only sell excess rottie pups to kennels that meet similar rules. My studs and puppies can be very expensive as they're all from my own store brought lines and it has taken me YEARS to get anywhere with it as I'm so busy in real life (a parent to a two children under 3 and I'm a full time dog trainer). I am ALWAYS interested in buying rottie pups from similar breeders with homebred lines or puppies from rottie litters I have approved breeding requests for- just drop me a message.

Meet Rhapsody, one of my 3rd generation rotties. She is far from perfect but she's 100% my own :-)

Kennel Achievements


Rottweiler Store Brought Best Breed Ranking: #19 @ 100days (NCSc ZM Plusculus Polleo dog ID:428937)

Own Records - Highest Level Store Brought Rottweiler: Universal Champion Schutzhund ZM Cardinal Level 66

*---Other Breeds Furry Paws Records---

Boston Terrier Best of Breed - Experienced x12 - Tinkie

I have transferred my dogs from my other kennel Corporal Canine to Zacaria Manor so I only have 1 account to manage.

Breeding / Studs

-All bitches must be minimum level 35 from outside kennels - some will require higher.

-All Dogs must be minimum level 45

I DO allow my male and female studs to breed with high levelled dogs that have inbreeding in their ancestry so that new 'fresh bloodlines' can be added to the Rottweiler line (as long as the inbreeding was at high levels too)

If you have a rottie that you'd like to breed with one of mine that is not listed up for breeding, please PM me. I usually will charge 1k x dog level for stud fees (minimum).NO UNDER LVL 35 or DOGS WITH FAIRS EVER .


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Other Projects


Tosa Inu

Pappilon - Show Team

Doberman Pinscher

Dancing Display Team

Caucasian Ovtcharka

Belgian Malinois

English Foxhound - Drag Hunt Team

Neapolitan Mastiff

Cane Corso

Chinese Shar-Pei

French Bulldog - Just for fun!


Purchasing from Zacaria

All kennels will be vetted.

Those that breed low level litters / fairs will not be accepted.

I will always offer a home back-up to Zacaria Manor bred dogs and will buy back my homebred dogs for up to 1k x level at any time if you no longer want the dog. All homebred dogs, who have a ZM prefixed parent will have the ZM prefix added before rehoming.

By purchasing a rottweiler or Zacaria Manor homebred dog you agree to not breed the dog before 80days old and will show them daily or lock them.


I am interested in buying good quality Rottweilers, doberman, cane corso, malinois, Mastiff, German shepherds and other breeds I have in my kennel. They must have NO FAIRS in their lineage, high levelled ancestors, ideally only up to 5 previous geberations and not be bred from more than 1 time. I will pay well for quality dogs. Rottweilers and schutzhund are my favourite so please feel free to message me. If you are a long term homebred Rottweiler breeder on fp like myself (with similar standards) I may be interested in mixing lines / buying puppies.

Game Time

08:02am on Mar 14

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