Nile Winds Kennel

A not-so-new new kennel here. I have come and gone from the FP world for many, many years. I plan to keep my load at a reasonable level and raise some decent Pharaoh Hounds in a slow steady manner. I also have a Yorkshire Terrier floating around. She's here because the breed is at an abysmally low active level of only 32% of 1566 (which I believe comes out to 501 dogs, not positive on that, math is my weak skill). I can't realistically do that much with only one dog but I figure as long as she's active I'm not doing any harm.

My kennel doesn't have a mission, I have no grandiose statement to make, and I have no guidelines as of yet. I believe in raising quality and when that quality becomes such that I attract the interest of outside Pharaoh Hound breeders I shall then create some guidelines. Perhaps this seems strange to you because without guidelines already established how is anyone supposed to enter a business relationship with me. I'm not to worried about it. All things come to pass that are meant to be.

Game Time

07:58am on Mar 14

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