Queen Street Kennels

Hi! This is the page of saphire AKA Vi. I have been playing FP on and off since 2003... back when I was a teenager. I might be too old to still be playing a dog sim, but whatever, what's a little escapism, right? I'm originally from Toronto, Canada but I now live in the United States with my husband (and our cat, dog, and guinea pigs).

I am the epitome of domesticity - when I'm not at college I'm at home cooking and sewing, which is my favorite hobby/occasional job.

Please note that if you send me friend request I will only accept if I have previously talked to you around the site. I am often popping in and out of chat/the boards so feel free to say hello.

I'm easy to spot thanks to my main character Vivid.

As I said, I've been playing FP for years, and in that time I've specialized in several different breeds. for the past few years my main focus has been Miniature Dachshunds. I've had to re-start my lines a few times due to occasionally leaving the game but I am happy with where they are right now.

I'm currently working on my mini Dachshund lines (see goals & to do) and am working on Basset Hounds, Bichons, and a few others.

Curent goals:
-breed a mini dachshund with 23HH
-breed a mini dachshund with 24HH
-breed an isabella and tan dapple dachshund
-breed a solid cream dachshund

genetic info here!

Also, please support adding coat types to fp! This is currently being discussed on the suggestions board; you can view the topic by clicking here.

Oops, there's nothing here right now. Check back soon!





Layout by 1105. Images from /shawnhoke and /mcaven and /jolgecock.

Game Time

03:31pm on Mar 3

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