Whimsical Wonders Kennel

About Ash

bisexual || non-binary || she/her & they/them pronouns || southeastern USA || 25 || Breyer Model Horse Collector, Customizer, and Enthusiast || Autistic

Proud owner of four dogs, two cats, six horses, and a freshwater aquarium of tropical fish. || Nerd/Geek || Love chatting with people and making new friends. My interests include Harry Potter (books and films - not a fan of the author herself), Lord of the Rings/Middle Earth (book, games and films), Marvel (comics, MCU, etc), Scooby Doo (everything to do with it), Hunger Games (books and films), Maze Runner Trilogy (books mostly), Percy Jackson Franchise (books) and plenty more

Hello! I'm Ash or Ashley, and I'm an artist. You can find my work, Ashley-Inspirations . I specialize primarily in equines, but I do well with canines and other animals as well. Not accepting commissions at the moment. I'm planning to do more tag sales in the future though.

I enjoy doing Photography as well. My favorites to focus on are Macro, Nature, Wildlife, Zoo, Equine, and Car/Vehicles. I'm practicing Pet photography skills, but still have more to learn in this field.

I am a member of the LGBTQ+ Community (Bi, NB, & Genderflux/Femmeflux)

I'm Agnostic, but I do enjoy researching different beliefs/religions, even if I personally don't believe in them. I support people who are religious as long as they remain respectful, aren't harming themselves, and don't spread hate/judgement/harm towards others.

I support the BLM movement and POC community.

Whimsical Wonders Kennel


I've Got Quality Shetland Sheepdogs on Furry-Paws.com I've Got Quality Greenland Dogs on Furry-Paws.com I've Got Quality German Shepherd Dogs on Furry-Paws.com I've Got Quality Beagles on Furry-Paws.com

Notable Beagles


Welcome to Whimsical Wonders Kennels! I specialize in a wide variety of breeds; of all sizes. As of 2022, my central focus remains in Beagles and now also Greenland Dogs again. But, I also have GSDs, Border Collies, Central Asian Shepherds, Siberian Huskies, American Bullies, APBTs, Dalamatians, and more that I'm having fun playing with.

I no longer breed Field Spaniels and Chinooks

I was a member of the Top Breeders of FP Guild from 05/27/16 until 3/9/21, however despite being one of the most popular, is fairly lifeless other than ads, thus I decided to join a guild that I would enjoy more, especially since I'm a private breeder.

Notable Dogs of our History

World Champions

Hello to a Rose

Pretty Rough - Best of Breed 1x

Pretty Little Diamond

Pretty New Day

I've Got Quality Greenland Dogs on Furry-Paws.com

Dog Breeds I'd Love To Own One Day

English Setter, Golden Retriever, Dalmatian, Cavalier King Charles, Border Collie, Rough Collie, Miniature American Shepherd, and Stabyhoun

My Real Dogs

Fiona, a 5YO Female Red & White Piebald w/ Chocolate Saddle Beagle. Adopted in Mid April 2022 - Born January 13th, 2018

Shiloh, a Male 4YO Fawn & White Irish w/ Black Saddle & Ticking - Adopted May 2020, two days after we had to euthanize our beloved boy, Cody Bear. Will link his photo album soon. Born September 2019.

Other Pets/Animals I Own

Six horses: Sweet Pea (2018 Friesian X Mare), Loki (2015 Mini Gelding), Dusty (2014 Mini Gelding), Mack (2003 Haflinger Gelding), Chance (1995 Mini Gelding), & Rosie (1992 Paso Fini Mare)

Two cats: Kiara (2016 Shorthair Female) & Sterling (2010 Ragdoll Male)

Fish Tank 1: Unnamed Pair (Pearl Gourami Male/Female) & The Dynamic Duo (2 Black Neon Tetras)

In Loving Memory of My Real Dogs

Copper, a Male Red Irish Setter. RIP February 2011 to July 1st, 2022

Lacy a 15 yo female Cream Toy Poodle. RIP 2007 to APRIL 2022

Cody Bear a 6 YO male Fawn and White (Irish) with Black Saddle Beagle. RIP SEPT 2013 to MAY 2020. Lost his battle with inoperable cancer.

Pumpkin a female Black with Tan Points Australian Shepherd mix. RIP - AUG 2005 to SEPT 2019

Little Bear, a Male Grey & White Piebald Miniature Poodle x Terrier Mix. RIP - approx. 2000 to NOVEMBER 2017

Others:Scooby Doo (Male Long Haired Chihuahua), Frodo (Male Bernese Mountain Dog), Xena (Female Great Pyrenees), Buttercup (Female Sheltie), Sam (Male Landseer), & Polly (Female Bernese Mountain Dog).

In Memory of Past Fish: Foxfire (Candy Galaxy Koi Halfmoon Plakat Betta Male), Dawn (Flame Dwarf Gourami), Dusk (Powder Blue Dwarf Gourami), Fred & George (Albino Corydoras), Roomba, Dyson, Turbo, Nitro, Barnacle Boy, Zombie & Pebble (Olive Nerite Snails), Stanley (Blue Marble Halfmoon Male Betta), Tapestry (Purple Salamander Butterfly VeiltailxDumbo Male Betta), Bronze Tiger (Bronze Corydora), Po (Panda Corydora)

All Critters I Own

Just for my personal notes, as well as for anyone that is curious

Arctic Fox, Cross Fox, Domestic Fox, Red Fox, and Silver Fox.

Confident Black Wolf, Gentle White Wolf, Happy Golden Wolf, and Timid Gray Wolf

Polar Bear, Timid Fawn, and Wolpertinger

Copper Pegasus, Silver Unicorn, Silver Pegasus, Ruby Hippogriff, and Variegated Sea Dragon

Black Snake and Brown Snake

Red Baby Dragon, Green Baby Dragon, Blue Baby Dragon, and Purple Baby Dragon

Blackbird, Sparrow, and Canary

Gingerbread Man and Snowman

EEGEW, Fluffy Wuffy Grey Bunny, Fluffy Wuffy White Bunny, Fluffy Wuffy Agouti Bunny, Fluffy Wuffy Bunny, Wittle Grey Pied Bunny, Wittle Cream Pied Bunny, and French Lop Bunny

Lazy Red Pony and Bold Spotted Pony

Reindeer, Little Black Lamb, and Little Lamb

Evil Rooster, Australorp Hen, Golden Laced Wyandotte Hen, Rhode Island Red Hen, Silver Laced Wyandotte Hen, Patchy Fluffy Duckling, and Yellow Fluffy Duckling

Black Hamster, Black Banded Hamster, Champagne Hamster, Chocolate Hamster, Cinnamon Hamster, Golden Hamster, and Silver Hamster

Mean Black and White Cat, Mean Brown Tabby Cat, Mean Orange Tabby Cat, Mean Siamese Cat, Mean Tortoiseshell Cat, and Scary Black Cat

Calico Persian, Colorpoint Persian, Grey Persian, Orange Persian, and White Persian

My Critter Wishlist

willing to pay FPP, FPD, or trade with tag recolours

Shy Silver Pony, Sweet Paint Pony, Feisty Black Pony, Quick Pony, Little Brown Pony, Zebra Unicorn, and Emerald Hippogriff

Bold Wolf Pup, Clever Red Wolf, Bug of DOOM, and the Mustached Persian.

Molten Chinese Dragon, Iridescent Dragon, Diamond Dragon, Ruby Chinese Dragon, Sapphire Sea Dragon, Black Baby Dragon, the Phoenix Chick, and White Baby Dragon

Game Time

09:36pm on Mar 8

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