Sunrise Rescue Kennels

Hello, and welcome to Sunrise Rescue, an FP dog rescue which welcomes all breeds!


Any dog up for $0 Private Sale in my kennel is a rescue. Adoptions are easy, just bid any amount of FPD on the dog you would like, and I'll do a kennel check to see if your kennel would be a good place for the dog. If you meet the requirements, the adoption can proceed.

You likely won't pass the adoption test if:
  • You retire dogs before age 100.
  • You breed dogs at low (1,2,3) levels.
  • You breed dogs excessively, just for the profit.
  • Your dogs are in bad condition.
  • Your dogs are not equipped with the right supplies (ie. eating Pupper Stuffer, no collars and leashes, etc.)

Abandoning a Dog

If, for any reason,you can not care for your dog or no longer want it, we will take it here at Sunrise Rescue! Just message me the amount of dogs you are abandoning, and why. If I have space for them, you can send them to my kennel, free of charge. Think carefully before you abandon a dog, I will not give it back if you change your mind! If you abandon a dog, it will not necessarily count against you if you wish to adopt in the future. However, I will not tolerate: - If you abandon a load of dogs, then bid on more so you can get "new" dogs for cheap.

Can't find the breed you'd like? Message me to be put on the breed waiting list, I will PM you when the one you want comes in. Adoptions rules still apply.

Game Time

10:56am on Feb 17

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