Raven Kennel

Welcome to Raven Kennel! This is the kennel of Kristina Raven, usually known as me. I used to breed Shetland Sheepdogs, but now I'm fostering all the time. I do not own any personal dogs longer. I you want to take a look at them, please visit Chimaera (#1116196). I am, as already said, fostering for the Cheese Hill Dog Rescue. You should really try that, fostering for a rescue. It is really awesome! Currently, I am fostering Joe the Akita, Rosa the Brittany, Bo the Alaskan Husky and Feline the Plott. READ THIS: Even though I am already fostering for Cheese Hill, it does not mean I don't want to foster for other rescues. If your rescue needs fosters, please message me!

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08:32pm on Feb 19

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