Mount Olympu$ Kennel$

A$ mo$t of my friend$ know, I'm a complete dino-fanatic, and I have been for my entire life (except for that one year in pre$chool where I wanted to be a tap dancing-$inging-arti$t-prince$$). My favorite dog, you a$k? Border Collie, of cour$e! $trong yet cute, they like to $ay, ju$t like me! ;) My friend$ know me not only as a paleontologi$t but an arti$t. Hopefully now they'll know me a$ a wonderful dog-owner, too! ~Per$ephone (P.$. If you $omehow cannot get ahold of me on thi$ account, my main account i$ @then@ (#1106102).)

Game Time

03:30pm on Mar 11

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