Border Collie Breed Reduce (BCBR)

Welcome to the head quarters of the BCBR (Border Collie Breed Reduce)
We are the BCBR!
Working together to help FP's Border Collies!
Working together for better Border Collies!
Join our cause!

The BCBR Project~Reducing the amount of BC on FP
The Border Collie is the most popular breed on FP.There are over 600 000 of them-most of which are low quality petstore dogs bought to sell for profit or just sitting around in inactive kennels, untrained, unleveled, unloved.
The BCBR is a club trying to keep control of the growing population by buying and retiring unwanted BC.This helps the owner by getting rid of unwanted dogs and giving them a bit of extra money, and it helps FP's overall BC population by freeing up kennel space and removing all those low quality petstore BC from the game.
Join us!!We need more members!!In the BCBR there are fun things like a monthly contest for the member with the most BC retired, raffles, giveaways and more!
1.Respect other members (not just BCBR members) ! Do not be rude to other members even if they do not agree with the BCBR values.If a specific user does not want their dogs bought and retired (No-Buy List), then respect their wishes and their point of view. Remember, YOU are a representative of this family! Your actions affect all of us.
2. If you receive complaints about the BCBR, please stay polite!If they do not want their dogs bought and retired, then that is their choice.Explain in a POLITE way the values of the BCBR.
3. No begging for dogs to retire- it looks bad for you and the Family and it is just rude. If a dog is not up for sale, that is because the owner does not want to sell it!!
5. Due to complaints, DO NOT BUY FROM RESCUES!!!People own rescues to help dogs find new homes, not to be retired!Before adopting rescue dogs, inform the rescue that you intend to retire the dog.
Sponsors repeat customers who wish to help out by selling us their unwanted BC at reasonable prices.They help us by providing BC to retire, and in exchange we help them by giving them money in exchange for the dogs.Message me to become a sponsor!
No-Buy List
Due to demand from the community, I have set up a No-Buy list.This is a list of users that DO NOT want their dogs to be bought and retired by by the BCBR.Please respect their decision!If you would like to be added to this list, message me!
*Attention all No-Buy Listers and BCBR members alike!This is a very important notice: If a BCBR member buys and retires your dogs and you are on the No-Buy list, please inform me.It is possible that it was an accident and the said member did not realize you were on this list, and in this case no warning will be issued.But if a BCBR member repeatedly buys and retires dogs from users on the No-Buy list, then action WILL be taken.Here in the BCBR, we pride ourselves on being polite and respectful to users that do not want their dogs retired and we do not want the reputation of the whole club to be tarnished by one or two members abusing the rules!*
Q:So... you purchase other players' BC and retire them?
A: Yes, we buy border collies them. We spend our money doing this to improve the overall BC population.We remove unwanted dogs from the game to free up kennel space and drum up the economy by circulating the currency around.The users we purchase from also benefit from the extra money.
Q:How and why should I count the total BC I have retired?
A:Just make a note of every dog you retire, whether that be in a notebook, a computer document or your about page.I order my BC in my kennel history by the month they were retired (i.e.If Ivretire the dog in December 2015, I put "Dec 2015" in its name as a second prefix.This way, all the dogs retired in the same month and year group together in the kennel history and are easier to count.) And why?Just to keep track of the work we do and so that when it comes to etimating a Grand Total, we can be more accurate.

My Retired BC Count

August (the BCBR was founded in August 2014) : 115
September: 21
October: 22
November: 0
December: 5
Total for 2014: 163
Hmm.Alright.The figures for 2014 are depressingly low.But I guess it's the first year of the BCBR, and not even a full year, hopefully things will pick up next year!
*Note to BCBR members:If all members keep a record of the BC they have retired like I have done above, it will make it easier to monitor our progress and estimate a Grand Total.*

Game Time

08:17pm on Mar 28

Welcome Guest

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