
Leader of Thunderclan (Warrior name was Wavecreek): Wavestar Deputy: Poppyfall Medicine dog (Clan Healer): Warriors (12 and above): Stripedpebble Apprentices (6-12 or above): Yellowpaw Patchpaw Blackpaw Hollypaw Patchpaw Shimmerpaw Smallpaw Speckledpaw Thistlepaw Tigerpaw and Bigpaw respectively to the mentors. Mentors (Training the apprentices): Wavestar Poppyfall Dustfall Wildhowl Blackriver Lionfoot Windblaze Tigerstare Stormtrail and Lilyfeeze respectively to the apprentices. Queens (In the litter kennel's): Silverlake Silverset Whitecloud Wildhowl x Stripedpebble and Nightstone x Littleleg Elders (Retired Warriors): Crowclaw and Whitefly

Game Time

07:35am on Mar 4

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