Whispering Oaks Kennel

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Whispering Oaks
Whispering Oaks has been breeding dogs since first joining FP on June 26, 2013. As far breeds we currently breed the Aidi and train them in the sport of Herding. My whole goal with the project is to have the highest level Aidi's and have a completely perfect Aidi line with twenty four HH and lala. To achieve this goal, we don't breed the dogs until (87) years old and once more at (99) years old depending if I have an elite account or not. (If I do, then I only breed them once and it's typically somewhere between those two ages listed above.) So far, none of my dogs have been leased out, but I may be willing to stud a few of males for a fair price. (Message me.)

Finally, I may do Casso's breeding boost, or even foster a few dogs if I feel up for the challenge. I've also debated about opening a boarding kennel, but I lack any references to do so. Basically my kennel has one main focus with a bunch of side projects I hope to complete along with. On a side note, I also tend to take a lot of breaks from FP for a period of time as I get bored of the game. In all honesty, I love FP because I can lock my dogs and not worry about losing my lines. (Unlike my other games.. xD )

About Misery

My username is MaidInMisery because I like the sound of it? My friend had actually come up with the name and was going to use it as a band name, but I kind of stole it from her. Of course, she likes to tease me a bit about it, but she doesn't seem to mind that I use it. Anyway people tend to call me Maid, Misery, or Mim and I don't mind any of the nicknames or have a preference for either. Even so, I actually go by the name of Davie on the internet a lot and so you might run into me somewhere.

Anyway, I'm a high school student who attends school online. I'm in the 11th grade, and currently looking for a college for the major of Zoology. (I want to earn a Bachelor's degree) As far as what I'm going to do with it well I have plans to work at a zoo I have been going to for quite some time. My hopes it to start volunteering when I get into college, and even gain an internship by my senior year. Along with this, I really want to start my own youtube channel for video commentary! I already have a username picked out, and a bunch of games saved in a folder that I want to play… c:

As for hobbies, I lurk on the internet a lot, but I love to read, write, and take pictures of my dog so a bit of photography. Not only that, but I love Netflix! I watch TWD, House, Everyone loves Raymond, Ugly Betty, BBC Sherlock, Supernatural, Drop Dead Diva, and a lot more shows I probably forgot to name along with a ton of anime. Most of the shows I either finished watching or got to a certain season before I got tired of it and moved onto a new show. (I tell myself I'll finish it, but I never do.. :l)

Finally, I own a small peek-a-poo who is spoiled rotten, and also a little brat as well. Everyone tends to fall in love with him because he can be quiet the goofy dog and he is just so adorable! Even so, he loves to snuggle, and he can be a little needy as my mom says, but he is the perfect dog for me because he is lazy like his master... xD We tend to snuggle up on the couch in the evening instead of doing the whole "walk" thing. Seriously, I've taken him for walks, and typically we go so far until he stops, sits down and refuses to move which means I have to carry him home.

All in all, I love talking to people and so feel free to send me a message? C:

My Services

Elite Services
Breeding: Want to keep two puppies instead of one? Let me breed those dogs for you! My service will include breeding, taking care of the parents, and the puppies.
[ 15k ]

List of References
Name [ID #]
Name [ID #]

My Notes

Abioye / Abrash , Gwandoya / Abena , Itri / Hiwot , Kato / Lerato , Neo / Nakato , Obi / Seble

Emil / Frauke , Dierk / Brunhild

Bulk Orders

Where to find me!

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Layout artwork and coding by Crestie (#740384) Layout optimized for 1366x768 screens.

Game Time

05:49pm on Mar 28

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