Rishi's Rescue

Welcome to Rishi's Rescue! Thank you for taking the time to stop by the kennel! Here at RR we do our best to make sure that every dog has the opportunity to thrive.

Surrendering Dogs: At RR we are more than willing to take in any dogs that you may no longer want or need! However, our funds are not unlimited and we will pay no more than $100 per surrendered dog. And obviously we can only take in dogs if there is room in the kennel. We are constantly trying to increase our kennel size, however it does take some time and occasionally we may become full.

What We Do: Here at RR we give every dog the opportunity to thrive! After taking in a dog they will be equipped with the proper leash and collar, trained in an appropriate sport, fed, groomed, and played with, and entered in competitions as much as possible! We do not breed dogs at RR and we do not place any dogs for public sale. We attempt to keep the price of adoptions as low as possible, but in order to keep the kennel running we must charge for adoptions. However all prices are negotiable and if you wish to adopt a dog for a price under the starting bid rate, please send me a message containing which dog(s) you wish to adopt and your preferred price.

What Is Expected Of You: After adopting a dog you are expected to give it proper care. That means grooming, playing, feeding, watering, training, and entering competitions during the days that you're on FP. You are free to breed your dogs as you see fit, however breeding below level 5 is generally frowned upon. Once you adopt a dog it it completely and entirely yours, we will not demand that you give it back if we find you are not meeting our standards of care, however if after adoption you find that you no longer want the dog, we would be happy to have you surrender the dog back to us, and allow us to take care of them and place them up for adoption once again.

How To Adopt: All you have to do to adopt a dog, is place a bid on one of our private sales. Once that is done we will run a kennel check as soon as possible to be sure that you are maintaining our expected standard of care for all of your other dogs. If you pass then we will accept your bid, and congrats! The dog is yours! If you do not pass our kennel check we will message you letting you know what we found to be unsatisfactory about your kennel, and the bid will be rejected. If this happens it does not mean you cannot adopt from us. You are free to bid on another dog, (or even the same dog again) and if you have made the appropriate changes and pass the kennel check we will accept the bid and the dog is yours!

Donations: Donations of any kind are greatly appreciated! That may be leashes, toys, food, even $1, is always, always, appreciated! If we notice that you donate often, or if you have donated a large amount we may look into offering free adoptions to you. In general we are always looking for food, toys, and chews.

Fostering: If you are interested in fostering for RR please send us a message stating that you would like to foster and any dogs that you are specifically interested in fostering, or if you don't mind who you will be fostering. While you are fostering it is expected that you maintain the kennel's standard of care. RR will supply you with leash, collar, food, bed, toys, bowls, and chews. It will be your responsibility to train and show your fostered dog at your own expense. However, in return you are allowed to keep any winnings that your fostered dog may earn, RR does not expect to have those returned to them.
Obtaining the dog: RR will set up a $0 transfer for the dog(s) that you are fostering with all their initial equipment attached to them.
Obtaining equipment: When you need new equipment (ex. a dog leveld and you need the appropriate collar, or if their toy broke) you can send a message to us here at RR and we will set up a trade in the trading centre to give you what you need to continue care of your fostered dogs.
Further expectations: It is expected that you will keep your fostered dogs for private sale at the base bidding price that RR informs you of. If you are willing to do kennel checks then please let RR know at the time that you offer to foster. Then if you do, run a kennel check and determine if the dog should be adopted, and let RR know if one is so we can update our adoption thread. If you do not run kennel checks send us a message containing the ID of who it is that wishes to adopt. Will will then message you back letting you know if you can accept the bid or not. At the time of adopting it is expected that you will transfer the money earned by the adoption to RR. At that time we will decide if we wish to return a percentage of the proceeds to you as a thanks for fostering for us.

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01:46pm on Feb 27

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