Labs Rock!!
This is my kennel! I take care of abandoned dogs and take in un-wanted dogs. After taking care of each dog I put any dog that isnt a lab/retriver , into my for sale kennel. It sounds bad but really, it's not. If any dog doesn't get adopted i keep them up for sale, not give them to the HS. If you're looking for dogs for sale, come here! I always have something for someone. I sometimes sell my labs too.
any dogs in my kennel not for sale are going to be raised until 90 Fp days old. Then restfully retired. I am allowing people to buy my dogs. BUT if you do not clean and feed my dogs well I may ask you to feed them. If you are breeding labs PLEASE tell me if you want to get rid of them. I will buy dogs under 3,000 Fp cash. Please help me clear out other breeds in my kennel by buying them!!! :) I like to make sure my dogs are in good care. If i see a dog in bad condition i buy them and take care of them. Just message me the player # (ex:0000) of someone who has dirty dogs for sale and i will $$$. Please message me if you want me to put a dog for sale my dogs are cheep! Feel free to bid on litters also! Please come by to buy my dogs! :)
Dog of The Week! Jake! He shoots...And he... SCORES DOG OF THE WEEK!
give a bark for Jake!

my dog for both!

I hope you like them, the rest of my tags will also be for sale
I am a nice outgoing person just talk to me/message me and in 5 seconds i just might like you! I like anyone on furry paws willing to talk to me and respect me. You talk to me rudely, I give you a chance but if it happens again I just might block you.
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