Coconut Kennels

C O C O N U T // K E N N E L S
Striving to raise quality German Pinschers

My Goals

- Consistently breed 4E dogs
- Breed for aptitude
- Breed Fawn dogs with Amber eyes
- Have my dogs on the achievement boards

Highest Levels:
Lvl 43 Circus for a Psycho
Lvl 43 Madness in Me
Lvl 43 Civil Pandemonium
Lvl 42 Unsound Velocity
Lvl 39 Spring Comes Again

Highest Places:
1015 Circus for a Psycho
1002 Unsound Velocity
937 Madness in Me
908 Faerie Gold
899 Orpheus puppyfooter_zps868cceee.png
for more layouts click here

Game Time

05:50pm on Mar 3

Welcome Guest

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