Rosewood Kennels

  • Breeding;

    I only breed dogs that are level ten and up, I also breed my dogs for Hips, Eyes, Elbows and Ears, and I like to breed for certain sports.

  • 'Rescues';

    I "Rescue" dogs level them to 5 and either abandon them or sell them. These are almost always for sale for 5k...

  • Great Pyrenees;

    The Pyr is a dog after my own heart, they are my type of dog, calm and collected most of the time, but when the moment is right, they will play just like any other dog. The Pyr is best known for it's gentle and protective nature...

    To own the Best of Breed Pyr is my goal, I am currently breeding my boy, 'Danny Boy', and my two girls, 'Marguerite Duras' and 'Marie Antoinette'. My soon to be breeder is 'Rosewood's Juliette Binoche'.

  • Alaskan Husky;

    I fell in love with this breed quite by accident, you see I love Alaska, and I in turn adore Alaskan Malamute and Siberian Husky, but as I looked into what dogs actually made Alaska a livable frontier was the Alaskan Husky, a dog that was molded by Alaska and the needs of the people living there...

    The dog that started my Alaskan Huskies is Fire City, so far she has had a beautiful daughter 'Rosewood's Blossom', named after an Alaskan Husky from an article in the 'National Geographic' 'Trek Across Arctic America', in which Blossom is the sole survivor of her team...

  • Carolina Dog;

    This is the wild dog of the United States, and I'm surprised that these aren't more popular here on FP, I am working to breed some nice 24HH pups!

  • American Indian Dog;

    I love these dogs, their history their looks, their temperament, if only there were more of them in real-life! I am working to breed some pretty pups, maybe I'll work for the Best of Breed, maybe I'll just work for the 24HH...

  • Pet Breeds;

    These are some breeds that are near and dear to my heart but I don't plan on owning more than four or five dogs at one time...

    • Siberian Husky
    • Finnish Spitz
    • Finnish Lapphund
    • Nova Scotia Dock Tolling
    • Golden Retriever
    • Leonberger
    • German Shepherd Dog
    • Rottweiler
    • Kooikerhondje
    • Lapponian Herder

Game Time

06:39pm on Mar 28

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