Forgotten Valley Kennels

Hey! Over here!

Your finally made it all the way out here! Forgotten Valleys is very far from town, barelly anyone comes out here to visit my kennel anymore. I'm glad you decided to venture out here today. What a nice day eh!? Let me show you around and present my dogs along the way.

At Forgotten Valley, my dogs are certainly not forgotten! I'm out here everyday to feed them and make shure they have fresh water. I also groom and play with every single one of them, they're all great dogs! Every dog is trained daily and is then shown in that sport. Yep, lots of work is needed to manage a hole kennel on your own, but I love it.

Well, here's my kennels, they're seperated into four different sites. They two over here are my breeding kennels, this is where I keep dogs that are still 'active'. Then the other big one is for my past breeding dogs. They're semi-retired if I may say, I will breed them one more time before retiring them for good. My last site has a smaller building, only holding 25 dogs at a time ; it's for dogs that are or will be for sale.

Theses last kennels are also for rescues. I want to rescue dogs that I think are worth keeping in the game. This is a breeding game and therefore I will not support keeping dogs with poor or fair genes. If a dog with poor or fair genes passes through my kennels, it will be put into a pet home where it could just be a companion, not a breeding dog. Dogs that are worth keeping for breeding will be taken fully care of before being put up for adoption. I will train and level them to level 5 before putting them up for adoption.

Anyways! Enough chatering! So have a look around, and don't be shy to pet the dogs or open their pens... I wouldn't let the dogs that have a mischivous personality out of their pens though... By the way, every dog has a whole personal description on their pen door. Have fun, I'll be around if you need me.

About Forgotten Valley

Forgotten Valley Kennels where created on this same land on 09/09/13. I have always been the main owner here. Forgotten Valley breeds Newfoundlander, shiba inus, german shepherd dogs, cane corsos, karelian bear dogs and catahoula leopard dogs from pet store bought dogs, who are bred to achieve 24HH lala genotyped and 4 excellent genes puppies.

I take care of every dog in this kennel every day. They all get watered, fed, played with, cleaned and given a new chew if needed, groomed, trained, entered in shows daily and have their vaccinations kept up to date. As soon as a dog gets at level 5 it is registered and once registered I allow breeding. I will breed dogs at a higher level once I achieve a minimum 20HH lala EEEE puppies. Then, my new breeding level will be 15.

Game Time

09:01am on Mar 18

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