Triantafyllo Akentha Kennels

Welcome to Triantafyllo Akentha Kennels! Now, you're probably wondering, what the heck does that mean? Well, according to my mom, it means Rose Thorn Kennels in Greek. I thought it sounded pretty, so yup. I'm just starting back up again on this new account and will just be focusing on raising dogs. I will expand my kennels and welcome any unwanted dogs, and I will always make sure all of my dogs are 110% cared for everyday. Used to be Pyro (#718152) If you knew me on that account be sure to message me :) I won't be focusing on characters and tags and art and everything now, since I don't have the time and I gave all my characters to my two friends, Hollow and Dyzkei. If you're interested in my dogs please message me and we'll talk about breeding and selling and all of that. Also, if you have unwanted dogs, I will gladly take them. *******If you see any young dogs that I have breeded at the ages between 12-20, that means I was just experimenting breeding for that breed and those two dogs I typically buy for breeding. I don't usually do this, but since I'm a little new at getting back into the game, I'll experiment with some dogs. My main focus on this game is on German Shepherds, Border Collies, Siberian Huskies, and a bunch of other breeds. If I see a dog in the Humane Society and I rescue that dog, I will make sure to buy a few more of its breed and I might just start a new specialty because of that dog.

Game Time

01:05pm on Feb 23

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