Agility Obsessions Rescue Center


About AgilityFanatic

:: Female :: USA :: Bi Asexual ::
Social Introvert :: Musician :: Veterinary School

I am a first year Veterinary Student in the US Midwest. I like being surrounded by people but am pretty reserved and like to spend time alone; can be somewhat awkward, but who isn't!? I am very much a dog person, although I do like all animals, and am a veterinary assistant. I currently have one dog, a 4 year old yellow Labrador named Desi who is my best girl and agility partner (USDAA). I began competing in agility in 2012 with my family's first dog, another yellow Labrador named Ellie who I miss every day, and I adore the sport.

I've been playing guitar since I was 8, mainly focusing on fingerstyle techniques, and started playing trumpet soon after in a variety of bands including concert, jazz, marching, pep, brass quintet, chamber ensembles, and pit orchestra. I listen to a huge variety of music but mostly listen to songs from film scores and rock/metal (don't judge :P).

I'm also a huge book nerd, and my favorite genres have to be Science Fiction or Fantasy. Feel free to shoot me a message if you want to talk, I don't bite!

Movie Series ~ Pirates of the Caribbean (any of them)
Book Series ~ A Song of Ice and Fire; The Kingkiller Chronicles
TV Shows ~ Fringe, House M.D., OitNB, Supernatural

News & Updates

2/8/2021 ~ RIP best Ellie girl. I miss you

9/8/2020 ~ I've never been more annoyed with myself. I unlocked several dogs I was using for projects, forgot they were unlocked for who knows how long, and just came back to find that they retired so I can't breed them to try to continue my plans. *facepalm*

5/6/2020 ~ Welcome home Desi!

7/13/2018 ~ RIP my beautiful Mocha

Layout/Coding Services are: Open -> PM me
Kennel sorting: In Progress

Currently Watching: House M.D.
Currently Reading: Nothing RN :/

About the Kennel

Agility Obsessions Rescue Center, or AORC, is currently experiencing a transitional phase. Despite being called a Rescue Center, I would no longer consider this kennel to be a rescue. I am in the process of clearing & sorting my kennel. There are a few dogs for sale in most kennels, but everything is widely unorganized at the moment so please bear with me :)

My goal is to eventually specialize in a few breeds in hopes of improving my lines and becoming more involved in the game and the community. I believe that I will eventually specialize in Ainu Dogs, Australian Koolies, Border Collies, Flat-Coated Retrievers, Malinois, Tervurens, & Groenendaels, though this may change. I'd be glad to take any unwanted dogs of those breeds!


• Clear out dogs that are for sale
• Get foundation dogs


• Dogs raised to level 50 (3/10)
• Dogs reaching Grand Champion (6/10)
• Dogs reaching Champion (21/50)
• Different breeds of dogs raised to level 20 (26/50)
• Dogs in different sports reaching Advanced (10/10)

Featured Songs

Stranger Things ~ Periphery
To the Hellfire ~ Lorna Shore

Game Time

08:04am on Mar 1

Welcome Guest

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