Black Blood Kennel

Welcome to Black Blood Kennels

Here at Black Blood Kennels I strive to give unwanted dogs a forever home. I treat each dog the same and give them, appropriate, leveled food, beds, bowls, toy, collars and leashes to boost their weaker stats. I care for my unlocked dogs daily and retire them at 101 FP days. Each dog that comes to me is evaluated upon arriving, and will at some point be unlocked to be shown and retired at the right time.

I will try to adopt out some of our younger dogs and puppies to other players. I keep the dogs locked until it's time to age and retire them. I do take in unwanted dogs of any condition.

Kennel Standards

  • I take in any dog if I have the room for them.
  • I only adopt out dogs with good or excellent stats and a reasonable level and age
  • I will only pay up to 1,000 for each dog. I am a forever home kennel, not a charity. I still need money, and items to take care of my own dogs.
  • I will be happy to help by donating items to your rescue.
  • I do not adopt out to other rescues.

I will never donate money

Black Blood Goals

  • Reduce the number of dogs I have
  • Organize the kennels
  • Raise 2,000,000 to upgrade all of the kennels

Forever home partners

  • Kale (#1155236) [Only takes in dogs trained in racing, sledding, hunting, or schutzhund]
  • Gumi (#1164169) [Only takes in dogs trained in herding]

If you have questions feel free to message me.

Current Goals

  • Just trying to get back into F-paws and cleaning out my kennels. I've been gone for almost all year minus a few days. Busy life.

Game Time

04:25pm on Mar 9

Welcome Guest

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