Monday Sheep

Hello :)
I'm Mayleigh, a 13 years old girl, living somewhere in this beautiful world :D
I'm breeding Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, and trying to specialize in that breed ;) I got some really nice dogs from Kurnesine ^^ She's got lots of nice dogs, recommend to check her out!
I've also got a side project: Breeding Border Collies with only Poors. Wish me good luck! ;*
And if that's not enough: I'm a foster! I'm fostering for Cheeky-Paw Rescue, and you can find the beautiful dogs in my kennel *-*
And if you wonder, I don't know why my kennel is named Monday Sheep. I just liked that name xD
I got this account from my friend Helli, so I haven't gone through the starter tutorial. That's why I'm asking so many questions ;D

Lots of love,

Game Time

09:53am on Feb 23

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