Black Pine Dalmatians

Hey there, everyone! Welcome and thanks for visiting. You can call me Summer.
I specialize in Dalmatians, focusing on breeding 24HH dogs in rare colors.
24HH colors of Dalmatians and the names of the first male and female bred:
24HH Black and White Dalmatian: BPD Lord of the Skies (M), BPD Dreaming in Silver (F)
24HH Silver Dalmatian: BPD Silver Boy (M), BPD Royal Rose (F)
24HH Fawn Dalmatian: BPD When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd (M), BPD In Starlight (F)
24HH Cream Dalmatian: BPD Peaceful Princess (F)
24HH Red Dalmatian: BPD A New Hope (M), BPD Song of Myself (F)
24HH Chocolate Dalmatian: BPD Music When Soft Voices Die (M)
24HH Isabella Dalmatian: BPD Golden Jewel (F)
24HH Blue Dalmatian: BPD On the Far Side of the Ocean (M), BPD Lady Grey (F)
24HH Brindle Cream: BPD The Great Gatsby (M)
24HH Brindle Black w/ Tan Points: BPD Lady's Lament (F)
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