Shaded Moonlight Kennels


HELLO and welcome to Shaded Moonlight Kennels, owned and operated (quite poorly, I might add) by yours truly, celestialsunsets! :) I'm not very good at this game, but I do it mostly for fun, and enjoy learning more about this amazing game. Even if you've come here by accident, I still hope you enjoy your stay.

ABOUT MY GAME UPDATE! As of 6/3/17 at 9:01 AM I am on level 18, and a 3-star breeder. I have been playing since 2013, but I can't go on very often, so I'm not the greatest at this game. I still try though, and it has been a grip, as they say. But I still hope to earn a few more reputations and learn more about genetics in this game. I wish I could be Elite, but who has that much FPP?!?!? Oh well; an amateur, mediocre player can dream... I also have a shop in the Mall called Shaded Moonlight Thrift Shop (I know; very original) where I try to sell cheap stuff that people want. However I'm usually out of stock and I NEED to update the description. TBC on that....

ABOUT MY DOGS I have no breeding program. Seriously. I just do this for fun and try to see what cool color combinations I can create, mostly with Border Collies. I think I have some cool ones! (Check out my collies and litters!) I will always be proud of my puppers no matter what. To me, it doesn't matter that they get to level 100, or become Elite Champion in their sport, it matters that they have a good life and aren't trained too roughly. Sometimes I like to use Grapes on my dogs and turn them rainbow. Rainbows are good. Everyone should have a rainbow dog. I am fully aware that my dogs aren't the greatest, but I love them, and that's all that matters here at Shaded Moonlight!

I specialize in these here breeds:

/>I've Got Quality Border Collies on Furry-Paws.comI've Got Quality Pomeranians on Furry-Paws.comI've Got Quality Caucasian Ovtcharkas on

FINALLY I don't do messaging, so don't send me any messages. THANK YOU!!! -celestialsunsets ]<

Please enjoy my kennel! (if you're even still reading this nonsense :D) Your virtual dog could be the next champion!dog-1349074709d9b.jpgblack-labrador-puppy-1493396701jin.jpgdog-on-the-beach-1457116405t5X.jpg

Certificate: Test results
What Hogwarts House are you in?:)

1001For 40 % you are: You are top on Helga Hufflepuff"s list. Have fun with Cedric Diggory, Hannah Abbot, Tonks and Ernie Macmillan!
3 % of 9597 Quiz participants had this profile!
Take this quiz: What Hogwarts House are you in?:)

Certificate: Test results
Doctor Who

You are a real Doctor Who fan! Well done, you should be proud.

You have correctly answered 15 of 15 questions.

On average, 3828 of users who took the quiz gave 11.49 right answers.
Take this quiz: Doctor Who

Certificate: Test results
What kind of Fantasy Wolf are you?

1001For 40 % you are: Winged Wolf!

You are very passionate and dreamy.
You believe in eternal love and you continue searching for it even if you get let down.

As a wolf you'd be a Beta, as you're not as aggressive and competitive as an Alpha, but your determination is admired just as one.
You'd have a light brown coat and wings and hazel eyes.
28 % of 2630 Quiz participants had this profile! Profile A

Your results were not clear.

You could also get this result:
For 40 % you are: Earth Wolf

You are rational and down to earth. You have a mild, calm nature, and often are a support to those weaker than you.

As a wolf, you'd be a member of the pack, in the middle, and you'd have a brown coat with bright green eyes. Profile B

Or even this one:
For 10 % you are: Water Wolf

You are very sensitive and emotional.

You don't know well how to handle your emotions and might snap for apparently no reason.

Your empathy though, makes you a great listener and trustworthy friend.

As a wolf you'd be an Omega, because of your low self-esteem, you'd be stepped on by the more confident.

You'd have a white/light gray coat and deep blue eyes. Profile C

Or even this one:
For 10 % you are: Fire Wolf!

You are very confident and stubborn.

You're not afraid to take risks to get what you want.

As a wolf, you'd be an Alpha, always ready to protect its family.

You'd have a black coat with bright orange eyes. Profile D

Or even this one:
For 0 % you are: Void Wolf!

You are mysterious and always on the defense. You are wary of people and never fully open up to anyone.

Cause of your ghostly appearance, you'd be a lone wolf and you'd wander alone in the night.

You'd have dark gray fur and white, hollow eyes. Profile E
Take this quiz: What kind of Fantasy Wolf are you?

Game Time

03:15am on Mar 10

Welcome Guest

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