Memory Kennels


Why hello there, lovely person who happened to stumble across my page! Welcome to the kennel of Veronica, a unique Catholic nut who loves music, writing, saints, dogs, and superheroes. I'm not a nut because I'm a Catholic, by the way. I'm just a nut who happens to be Catholic. ;)
So yeah, you can check out my dogs and stuff if you feel so inclined. I'm kinda sorta involved with the dog side of good ol' Furry Paws, although you're more likely to find that sort of thing on my side account, Sunfrost (#1173537). Here on this account, I mostly just roleplay in my awesome guild, Wild Dog Packs RP. Join us if you like dogs, roleplaying, and crazy, amazing people! :D

If you're curious to learn more about me, I'm a teenager from North Texas who, like I said before, loves to write about dogs and listen to music while alternatively wasting her life watching videos about superheroes on YouTube. I also love to read, and my favorite books/book series are The Chronicles of Narnia, Redwall, Warriors, and anything written by J. R. R. Tolkien relating to Middle-Earth. Saying just "Lord of the Rings" really don't cut it y'all. THE SILMARILLION FTW!
I like quite a few TV shows as well, such as Agents of S. H. I. E. L. D., The Young Riders, The Monkees, Cheyenne, The D*ick Van D*yke Show. As you can tell if you heard of any of these things, I am quite fond of older shows. xD As for movies, I love the Narnia movies, the Lord of the Rings trilogy, and the movies of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, although I don't mind some X-Men every now and then! (and don't even speak to me about the Hobbit movies they are TRASH and a DISGRACE to the amazing book they were supposed to be adapted from) (but seriously don't hate me it's fine if you like them it's just that I don't please don't hurt me)
In the respect of music, I reside in the joyful and Romantic world of old Catholic hymns, and I love Matt Maher, Mark Mallett, Critical Mass, MercyMe, The Monkees, and Owl City. I do like me some George Strait and I listen to a menagerie of other Contemporary Christian Artists and a handful of other random songs, especially those from the 50s and 60s, on occasion.

I've also got a slowly growing YouTube channel that I do with my older sister, and I'll love you forever if you head over there and look at my videos! Clicky

So yeah, that's me! Feel free to shoot me a message about the things that I like, for me there's nothing better than discussing and rambling on about the things I obsess over. I'm hopelessly shy and introverted but friends are pretty nice so I'm glad to make some new ones! Well, anyway, thanks for checking out my page and reading all the way through this! Have a most delightful and pleasant day. PEACE!

Just gonna drop some saint quotes before I go...

"Jesus Christ is our true greatness; it is He alone and His Cross that should be sought in running after these people; for if you strive for anything else, you will gain naught but bodily and spiritual affliction. But having found Jesus Christ in His Cross, you have found the roses in the thorns, sweetness in bitterness, everything in nothing." ~St. Jean de Brebeuf

"I am going where obedience calls me." ~St. Noel Chabanel

"Only love has meaning. It raises up our smallest actions into infinity." ~St. Maria Faustina Kowalska

"Hate no one. God never comes where there is no love for our neighbors." ~St. Philip Neri

Game Time

06:09am on Feb 8

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