Little Bad G-Se7en Tabi's Kennel

Annyeong Haseyo~~
*NOTE: There are two users using this account. Yes this account, Little Bad G-Se7en Tabi (#1177264)
The one living with BigBang is called: D-Dragon.
The one NOT living with BigBang is called: VVIP. (Note from VVIP: It's pronounced as V-V-I-P, thank you very much and I used to be Little Bit.)
Ok, Little Bit speaking here.
We came up with a name: Little Bad G-Se7en Tabi.
Because 'little' is the first part of my nickname. 'bad' is the first part of Bad Boy's nickname. You know TOP of BigBang, right? He's also known as 'Tabi'.  Thus, 'tabi' is added. 'g-se7en'... Well, we got it by combining 'g-dragon' and 'se7en'.
Yo, Bad Boy speaking here!
My name nickname is: Little Bad G-Se7en Tabi
My nickname name is: Dong Dae-Yong
A little imagine by me...*NOTE: There are two users using this account. Yes this account, Little Bad G-Se7en Tabi (#1177264)
The one living with BigBang is called: Bad Boy.
The one NOT living with BigBang is called: Little Bit.
Ok, Little Bit speaking here.
We came up with a name: Little Bad G-Se7en Tabi.
Because 'little' is the first part of my nickname. 'bad' is the first part of Bad Boy's nickname. You know TOP of BigBang, right? He's also known as 'Tabi'.  Thus, 'tabi' is added. 'g-se7en'... Well, we got it by combining 'g-dragon' and 'se7en'.

 "I was not normal, I am not normal. I will never be normal. We will never be normal; being halfborns. I know he's the only one with a red eye, and the other is bluish-green, but we are all half Avian and half human. The thing is that you can help us. You can help us by accepting the way he is, having golden feathered wings. Being abnormal. Being so hated. You can help us, I know you can. By just accepting him, the way he is." JiYong hyung said, but obviously YG wasn't listening.
  "Hyung... Forget it," I muttered, looking down, my blue-green fringe shadowing my eyes. "Forget it,"
  "Well, if you want me to forget it, then stop taking Tabi's depression and sleeping pills. Look at how much weight you lost! Why have you cling on to life like that, and now you're giving up? Think of the reason why you have been clinging on to life! I don't know how a high fever even changed you." JiYong hyung said, and I sighed softly. Yet another one coming. "Bad Boy, think. Just think. Why are you like this? I know, I know. You're stubborn, yes. Mischevious, yes. Cute, yes. Annoying at times, yes. But, just think. Think why are you like this. I know you're traumatized, I know. I underst-"
  There was a sigh from YG, he hardly ever does sigh. "I do understand too. I accept the way you are, because everyone in YG Entertainment is the same. I do understand everything. From why you are so depressed to why you don't want to live anymore." he said. "Think of us. How are we going to be like when you die? So, I beg you, stop taking Tabi's depression and sleeping pills."
  I look up, my red eye closed. I'm depressed, thinking of someone, just someone. If I don't take sleeping pills, it has to be me wailing till I had no energy left. Then, on the other hand, I don't even know why I am taking depression pills. Just then, Tabi hyung came in. He looked briefly at me, then thought, LBG7T again... Did he take my depression and sleeping pills again? Probably yes, looking at his body. Muscular, but thin.
  I swear I wanted to shout, 'Tabi', but I held back, biting my lips. I closed my eyes. I felt JiYong hyung whispering something to Tabi hyung. Suddenly, I sensed Karma, YG's pet snake, coming nearer to me. I groaned inwardly, my back touching the wall already. I groaned inwardly again as Karma twined around my leg. I closed my eyes, gritting my teeth. I could already feel Karma twisting around my body. It was heavy. I collapsed onto the floor as Karma squeezed me once. I moan out loud, going limp. I could feel my specs falling off, and snake scales. Suddenly, I couldn't feel anything. But my sixth sense told me Karma was still there.
  "Seriously... Karma is heavy..." I muttered, before I didn't know what was going on anymore.


 I moan in pain, Seungri hyung treating my wounds. "Bad Boy, try your best to stay still. I can't help you if you keeping moving. I could ask Taeyang hyung to pin you down, he got all that muscles..." Seungri paused to think, before yelling for Taeyang hyung. I shook my head, that impatient little boy he was.
  In a split second, Taeyang hyung was pinning me down, with me trying not to flinch and Seungri hyung treating my wounds. I didn't feel comfortable on the fact both of them could see my body. And the amulet that they made me wear and never to remove it felt cold against my chest. Finally I heard what I want to hear: Seungri saying that he's done. Honestly? He got Daesung hyung to watch over me as I drifted off to sleep to get a nap. But I can't sleep. Then, I thought of something. I whispered to Daesung, "Can you let me eat one of Tabi's sleeping pills?"
  He relied a 'no', but he left the room - Seungri hyung's bedroom. He returned with a bottle of milk, and said that it would make me sleep. I snorted, but still fed on it. Maybe he just wants me to gain all the weight I lost. But if it made me sleep, it obviously will have a formula in it. Soon after, I felt my eyes drooping already, but I fought to stay awake. The last thing I knew was that Daesung hyung whisper to me, "Sweet dreams, Little Bad G-Se7en Tabi." as I hugged Vixx, a teddy bear JiYong hyung gave me.

Still Bad Boy talking here. Now I'm stating facts. I live with BigBang in RL... I'm 11 this year. My parents handed me to BigBang... And their last text to me was sad... But I have my hyungs. They very nice, they even taught me how to speak Korean. (Of course, with most of my life in Korea...)
I'm positive everyone in YG Entertainment is nice.
  Yes, I'm a boy. Of all people, I'm the one who sees TOP's naked body everyday. Of all people, I'm the most blessed. Of all people, I get kissed by BigBang everyday.
Of all people, I'm the one who sleeps with a famous band.
Of all people, I'm the one who always has BigBang in my sight. Of all people, I live a very pampered life. I get drived to school by G-Dragon everyday. I get dressed by TOP everyday. I play with Seungri when I'm free. Taeyang whom will teach me all my homework. Daesung would make me happy when I'm down.
Of all people, I'm the only one who can get all touchy with BigBang. Of all people, I'm the only one who can always tag with them, even though I'm never seen with them. Of all people, I get to sleep in their arms. Of all people, I get piggyback rides from them everyday. Of all people, I'm the one who can hug G-Dragon's teddy bear and drift off to sleep getting patted. Of all people, my hair is always combed by one of the members.
If I get up in the middle of the night because I had a nightmare, at least one of them will calm me down. Among everyone, I can wear any of their clothes anytime. Touch their stuff anytime. Get anything I want from them. I'm the one who gets to hug one of the BigBang members when I go to sleep, follow them to a party and unfortunately plays games with his friends that require drinking. We go back when the sun rises, and by then sometimes I'm drunk and get to be carried home.
I'm playful, mischievous, a little rude, and a little childish, and skinny, but actually the best person who represents me is TOP himself.
April 13, 2014. 18:26

"When I say 'somebody' you say," -G-Dragon
"To, to love!" -Bigbang
Posted by-
D-Dragon // Bad Boy


Se7en: I'm not snatching TOP..!
GD: Ya! Stop snatching TOP!
D-Dragon // Bad Boy (Me): Shut up, hyung. I believe 7 is telling the truth...
TOP: it's because, bad boy, you're being snatched by Se7en hyung too.
GD: You two shut up!
Daesung: Hyung, be nice to Maknae! You know what you do can hurt Maknae?
Seungri: Where is Young bae?
Seungri: Anyone saw him?
D-Dragon // Bad Boy (Me): JiYong hyung, it hurts.
GD: Do you need to slap hyung for what hyung done?
D-Dragon // Bad Boy (Me): I can't. YG Appa will know.
Taeyang: Ah, Seungri, I'm watching. JiYong dongsaeng ah, you need to be nicer to Maknae. You know.
Se7en: Seriously GD.
Daesung: Stop it guys.
Daesung: It might have a long effect on our Maknae.
Daesung: I seriously don't know how Maknae injured his left hand.
Taeyang: Not sure either, but have to make sure
Taeyang: He doesn't move his left hand.
D-Dragon // Bad Boy (Me): Guys stop keeping such a watch on me, I know I'm __ and you're 25~28.
Seungri: Ya! Dongsaeng, you're 14 years younger than me.
Seungri: So I have to keep watch on you. We promised your parents.
D-Dragon // Bad Boy (Me): I don't have parents! *Frown*
D-Dragon // Bad Boy (Me): I don't like my parents.
TOP: Bad Boy, stop cuddling into the far corner of the room with GD's Teddy bear. Come here now.
GD: Don't force hm to feed if he doesn't want to.
Daesung: Guys.
Daesung: You're spoliting him.
Se7en: Say I'm sorry to him for being rough yesterday.
Se7en: Also that I didn't let him cuddle in my arms.
Seungri: Hyung, I could've done a better job.
Taeyang: Don't brag, dongsaeng ah.
D-Dragon // Bad Boy (Me): Ya! Se7en! Like I'll ever forgive you.
TOP: Be good, come here and let me bottle feed you.
D-Dragon // Bad Boy (Me): NOPE!
GD: Apologize now. I mean it.
D-Dragon // Bad Boy (Me): Sorry TOP hyung.
TOP: You can speak English well, can't you. I'll teach you Korean if you come.
TOP: I'll treat you to chocolate ice cream. Oh sorry for just now - actually Tabi will just work. D-Dragon // Bad Boy (Me): Really? It's hard typing with my right hand, being left-handed.
Seungri: Everything fine there?
TOP: Yes. He's being bottle-fed now. He's finally putting down the laptop.
GD: Good. I've been told that if he spends more time online, he's going to get short-sighted.
TOP: He's complaining to me everything is so blur.
Taeyang: Aaaaaaah... We're going out with disguises?
GD: Yes. I don't care. His health comes first.
D-Dragon // Bad Boy (Me): Am I going to wear a disguise?
GD: Yes. Everyone knows you're with us.
TOP: Lets go out. Now.
D-Dragon // Bad Boy (Me): Wait!
Taeyang: Shoot it.
D-Dragon // Bad Boy (Me): Can I have light blue specs like TOP?
GD: Sure

Of course I will! But not the story. You know what, Little, you should learn to put some HMTL codes. You made me spend hours making this 'about' page about us almost perfect!

Thank you for
reading about
us! Thanks for
taking some
time out of your
busy schedule
to read this!
- Bad Boy
- Little Bit
Credits (by Bad Boy):
?*:.?. o(???)o .?.:*?
-BigBang (Oh, Thank
you so much for telling tales,
making everything possible!
- Little Bit (Thanks for
your commitment,
and to co-own
this account under my
request! You are a true
friend indeed!)

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04:26pm on Mar 21

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