Kennel Birkuz

I am a 27 year old that loves dogs. In real life I have Swedish Rally-O champion Rottweiler male but my favorite breed is Norrbottenspets so please support! Link to the suggestion thread.
• Feel free to ask questions, but please read the about page first!
• I do not accept random friend requests.
• 6h ahead FP time
• Have a nice day!

~ Updated: 12.12.2024 ~

• Complete all achievements.
• Complete my colur breeding goal.
• Have one BOB of every breed and one BOS of every sport.
• Own at least one of each critter and item.

~ Updated: 13.09.2023 ~
Border Collie & GSD

Border Collies:
I have breeding paris for 24HH lala stmx4, intx4 spdx4 or agix4 dogs. All 4 lines are fixed for all 12 aptitudes. Not breeding BCs at the moment. Have a few still for sale.

German Shepherd Dog:
My GSDs are trained in Schutzhund and I sell puppies fom those dogs. They are 20HH-24HH lala intx4. Multiplier between 1.500x and 1.700x. I am selling those I do not keep on my own. I directing my breeding towards dogs without masks and with irish or piebald spotting.

~ Updated: 07.02.2024 ~
Want to use my stud?
I have a few males out for studding. If you are not blocked I will accept your breeding request as soon as I see it. When your female are redo to breed send me a message with a link to the stud and I will unlock the male for 24h or untill the breeding is compleated.
If I unlock my male and you do not use him within the time limit I offer you to either pay the stud fee whiteout a litter or I will block you. This is because I loose simply one day of breeding on my male.

~ Updated: 26.02.2023 ~

Goals – Copetition dogs

I have 19 dog breeds that I have breed from imported dogs. Each breed has the goal to reach 24HH lala, boostx4 and also aptitudes in two sports that fits the breed and the boosters. For example my labs are boosted in charisma, has dock diving as main sport and field trials for the second sport. I also have a color goal for each breed. Again, labs for example are either Fox Red or Fawn. Thease dog I normaly not stud neither sell puppies from.
Here is a list of the best of my imported lines. If they have reached BoS they are linked here. If they have not reached BoS the dog with most BoBs are listed. If no dog in that breed has reached BoB yet the highest leveled retired dog is listed. No current non-retired dog is here.

Akita Inu. Most BoBs won, 6x.
American Pit Bull Terrier. Most BoBs won, 7x.
American Pit Bull Terrier. BoS, 4x.
Boerboel. Most BoBs won, 23x.
Bloodhound. Most BoBs won, 21x.
Bloodhound. Most BoBs won, 21x (again).
Bloodhound. BoB 6x, BoS 9x.
Borzoi. Most BoBs won, 6x.
Borzoi. Most BoBs won, 6x (again).
Eurasier. Most BoBs won, 21x.
Eurasier. Second Place - Most Accomplished x2, Third Place - Most Accomplished x2, Best of Sport 9x, Best of Breed 9x
Golden Retriever. Most BoBs won, 5x.
Great Dane. Most BoBs won, 3x.
Greenland Dog. Most BoBs won, 15x.
Greenland Dog. 10x BoB and BoS 6x. Third BoS!!
Greenland Dog. BoS 21x.
Greyhound. Most BoBs won, x7.
Greyhound. Most BoS won, x2.
Jämthund. Most BoBs won, 16x.
Labrador Retriever. Most BoBs won, 13x.
Labrador Retriever. First Place - Most Experienced 4x, Second Place - Most Experienced 1x. Most Accomplised 3x. Best of sport 7x and best of breed 12x.
Newfoundland. BoB 12x.
Newfoundland. BoS 13x. Most Accomplished third and first place
Norwegian Buhund. Most BoBs won, 25x.
Rottweiler. Most BoBs won, 11x.
Rottweiler. Best of sport 1x, best of breed 6x.
Rough Collie. Most BoBs won, 9x.
Russell Terrier. Most BoBs won, 18x..
Russell Terrier. Most BoSs won, 1x.
Russell Terrier. Most BoSs won, 1x (again).
Swedish Vallhund. Most BoBs won, 18x.
Whippet. Most BoBs won, 4x.
Weimaraner. Most BoBs won, 18x.
Weimaraner. Most BoBs won, 18x (again).
Weimaraner. Second Place - Most Accomplished x3, Third Place - Most Accomplished x4, Best of Sport 21x.
Tibetan Mastiff. Most BoBs won, 27x.
Tibetan Mastiff. Second BoS!

~ Updated: 19.03.2025 ~

Goals – Rare colors

For years I have had the goal to have a breeding pair of each breed with the rarest color, 24HH and lala. I have reached that goal and now I am going to the next goal. Same as before but adding on boost x4, aptitude fitting the dog breed and positive multiplier. And also, looking over the most rare colors. For example, when I finished Dobermans they could only have red points. The cch, ce and cw genes came much later. In may 2023 I started with the last few breeds and now every breed is either done or is beeing worked on.

~ Updated: 19.05.2023 ~

Intrested in a dog?

I have at all times about 1000+ dogs for sale, if you want to make a offer or have a question please add a link to the dog in your message.

I sell two types of dogs. One type is breed for competition, then the price is set depending on the dogs multiplier compared to other dogs of the same breed. The other type is my color breeding. Those dogs are 24HH, lala and also the rarest or very close the rarest color. Many breeds also have a boostx4, aptitude fitting to the boost and breed and positive multiplier.

Breeding to get a 24HH lala dog takes time. Breeding to a certain color takes time, in some breeds it takes months. Breeding to get a particular boost, a particular aptitude it takes time. Sorting dogs, breeding, planning and picking pups. I have spent very much time doing this and therefore I have been successful with my work. The end result is a high-quality dog.

I do not have a rush selling my dogs. I have room to keep all of them. But I am always open to FPP, critters or items trade. I also can give a discount if buying many dogs (you will not get a discount for 1 dog. not 5 dogs either).
If you want to trade I am only interested in items and critters that is not found in normal shops (exception for large food containers). Neither am I interested in grapes, rock carvings, ancient stone carvings found in "random events". If you want to trade, send me a list with everything you are willing to trade with (not found in the shops or random events...) and how many of each item so I know what you offer.

Good to know, a dog with 24HH that is the only of its breed for sale with health over “Fair” and also is the only of its kind with its color won´t be set down from 22mil to 22k. Rude, unpolite and shameful offers will be ignored and you will be banned. Polite, nice suggestions is always welcome but I still won’t accept shameful offers.

If you buy a dog from me only to sell it for a higher prize you will be blocked. If you realize you did not need the dog send it back for the same amount or sell it for same (or less), not more.

~ Updated: 26.02.2023 ~

Game Time

02:33am on Mar 22

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