Woodland Knolls

W O O D L A N D -- K N O L L S
Woodland: land covered with trees.
Knolls: a small hill or mound.

Draugur | Taurus | huge nerd


I breed Drovers of all breeds for 24HH. My males are always open for stud if you message me; I'm pickier about females. Contact me for sales or litter reservations.


About Me
Hey. My name's Ty (short for Tyler), but you can call me whatever you like, whether that be Draugur or Sir Assbutt. I'm a guy who's obsessed with video games even though I'm 18 years old. I really love talking to people, so you can shoot me a message anytime. ;)


> Bands: FIDLAR, The Killers, The Kooks, Nirvana
> Games: Civilisation 5, Don't Starve, Minecraft, Pokemon, TF2
> Movies: 10 Things I Hate About You, The Breakfast Club, Fight Club


“My mom's going into town and she wants me to stir the porridge but I want pizza so the porridge can burn.”
- courtesy of my friend, Salem

Game Time

04:55am on Mar 21

Welcome Guest

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