Sunnyside Kennels

Welcome to my kennel! P.S did u know that u can spell "TYPEWRITER" with the top set of keys on a computer? PP.S I have a funny joke. A boy goes 2 school. his teacher says 2 him, "do u know the 1st letter of the alphabet?" he didn't. "Go home and learn the alphabet. When you come 2 school 2morrow, u will know the alphabet." he went home and said Boy: Mum, what's the 1st letter of the alphabet? Mum: Shut up I'm on the phone! Boy: Dad, what's the 2nd letter of the alphabet? Dad: 180! Boy: Bro, what's the 3rd letter of the alphabet? Big bro: Michael Jackson! Boy: Sis, what's the 4th letter of the alphabet? Lil' sis: In my little Barbie car! the boy went 2 school the next day. Teacher: Do u know the alphabet? Boy: Uhh huh. Shut up, I'm on the phone! Teacher: How many detentions do u want? boy: 180! Teacher: Who do u think u r? Boy: Michael Jackson! Teacher: How are u going 2 get out of this? Boy: In my little Barbie car!

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12:57pm on Mar 11

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