Rocky River Kennel

Welcome to Rocky River, SRU!

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Here at Rocky River!

I've Got Quality Australian Koolies on Furry-Paws.comI've Got Quality Stabyhouns on

I specialize in Australian Koolies and Stabyhouns! I'm currently working on getting a lala 24HH Austrialian Koolie and get an Austrialian Koolie in all of its base colors (black, blue, chololate, cream, fawn, isabella). My next goal is to get lala 24HH Stabyhoun.

I'm looking to work with the Havanese, the Greenland dog, the Flat-Coated Retriever, American White Shepherd, German Shepherd, Otterhound, and many other dog breeds.

Game Time

02:05pm on Jan 29

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