Palace of Paradise

Litter Waiting List

If you would like to be added to this list please message me!

DarkMilka (#797856)

Border Terriers

Kerry Blues

German Wirehair Pointers
Breeding for this line is discontinued.




Calendar of Events

December 27, 2019 - I had moved all my images to tinypic after Photobucket went money hungry - but now they're gone again! Going to try Imgur and see how that works. Should be around for a little while.

June 21, 2019 - I have unlocked all previously locked dogs and re-evaluated my training process. I know I'm usually only around for 6 months to a year at a time, but I'm looking forward to getting back into the swing of things!!

Summer quarter starts in a few days, so no promises on response times, but I'll try to get back to people as soon as possible.

June 16, 2019 - Was 2015 really the last time I was on?? I'm now a full-time college student with very little free time, but am considering coming back for a little while. Over the next few days, I'll probably refamiliarize myself with the site and what I have on hand.

I always forget how much fun I have here! Looking forward to returning to play for a while!!

January 30, 2015 - Pointers, pointers everywhere! As the breed boost comes to a close, and I've decided to keep at least a small German Shorthair Pointer and Kerry Blue Terrier population to attempt to improve the breed and give myself new challenges, I've realized just how many pointer puppies I really have. O.O

Also, I have bred almost an entire generation of 24HH Bernese Mountain Dogs! There are a few 22 and 23 HH, but the majority of the upcoming generation will be 24HH. Very excited to be able to provide and breed the very best Berners both for my clients, myself, and FPaw.

All in all, 2015 is looking up!

December 25, 2014 - Merry Christmas from our pack to yours!

I'm very happy to say that PFP is very much getting back into the swing of things! After being very, very ill for over a week and all the other things the month of December has wraught, it's very nice to have all the dogs unlocked and very nearly be level 20! I'm looking forward to opening up some new 'locations' for the kennels and officially expanding to include Kerry Blues and Wire-haired Pointers to the pack. I'm even doing some test breedings to get a feel for the new breeds, and looking forward to breeding the Border Terriers for the first time at 76 days.

Speaking of puppies....The waiting/reserve list is up and available for Borders, Blues, and Pointers. However, I am not willing to let anything less than quality come out of these kennel doors, so even if there are litters I may not be selling some of the pups until I'm confident they're acceptable quality for my patrons.

Merry Christmas everyone!

December 6, 2014 - #ReallyBadFPOwner ... Between Nano in November, Family Crisis in the few days we've had this month, and just being absolutely exhausted with my IRL job, I've been the absolute worst pet owner these last few months. I think it's been about 7-8 days since I last logged in.

With that said, I'm back! I am going to get my BB dogs up and running again, and hopefully within the next week or so unlock all of my regular dogs. I hereby promise to be a better keeper in 2015. ;)

Happy Holidays FP!

October 14, 2014 - PFP is currently on lockdown until the show scripts and bugs are all worked out. I will still be checking in to look at the boards and check my mail, so feel free to leave me a note or two. ^_^

October 3, 2014 - Oh, the thinning of the herd! Now that it's been a few weeks with the Borders showing, it's becoming more obvious who the strong competitors are; so I've started thinning out the ranks. Borders that are levels behind my front runners are being moved and retired, and this will probably continue to happen until I'm down to about fifteen. I have a spreadsheet that maps out HH/hh values, and I'm being very careful to not retire anything with valuable HH in places of need, but some of these dogs are not good investments....

In other news, I signed up for the large 'throwback' breed boost! I will be handling 10 Kerry Blue Terriers and 10 German Wirehair Pointers. I'm most excited about the Kerry Blues, but when I signed up no one was working with GWP (and still largely aren't) so I figured I'd do them too.

I also retired Basil and Chillie, but not before breeding. I don't think I want Border Collies in my kennels anymore, but puppies are SO CUTE. Ahem.

September 19, 2014 - Very very happy to say that my Border Terriers now have their own manips! I actually made the ones for Northern Wind, the border collies, and all the berners; but I hired out of house for this one because I seem to have lost my touch in my 2 year hiatus. x.x In any case, the manipulation was designed and executed by the one and only Spike (#38625)! She did a beautiful job, and I am so excited for the future breeding these cuties!

September 12, 2014 - The kids still got it! After just three weeks of showing and getting back into the game a number of my Berner Babies are back on the top boards for their breed! Still much work to do, escpecially if we want to take the top spots, but I am very happy with both my and their progress since returning to FP.

In other news... I decided it was time to take on a second breed. I know I had the Border Collies for a while, but I really wanted to put my effort into a breed that needed quality breeders and trainers. So I decided on the Border Terrier! These little guys are full of spunk and adorable to boot, So I am very excited to have a kennel full of starter stock to get us going. They're all too small to show just yet, and the first few weeks of showing will tell me which ones are going to be worth keeping around or retiring - but over all I am very excited to be taking on this new project. Onward and Upward!!

August 29, 2014 - Getting back into the swing has proved a little harder than anticipated! I have (thankfully) been adopted by a number of kind veterans who are in the process of explaining all the changes that have taken place over the last few years while I've been away!

In any case, super happy to be back, and super-duper excited to continue to produce the high-quality Bernese Mountain Dogs you have all come to expect from me!


Sage - Old Ref

Cleo - Old Ref

Forrest - Old Ref


Vixen - 8102523_orig.png

Game Time

12:09am on Mar 10

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