Bows and Roses

Hey people! I am Daughter of Eve. I love books, horses, dogs, writing, and lots of other things! A few things about me; I am a proud Hufflepuff, Dragon Rider, Sune, Ranger, Demigod, Narnian, Elf, Fae, Warlock, soldier of the Varden, Warrior, Regina, Agent of S.H.E.I.L.D., and I have a Gift. :D

The Perks of Becoming Elite:

1. You get to wear a tag, which appears before your name on the Forums, a Chat icon that appears before your name in Chat, and a Kennel Tag that comes before your kennel name.

2. Ability to keep two puppies from every litter, instead of one for normal accounts.

3. Your dogs can be entered in 50 Shows instead of 30 for a normal account, because training costs zero Energy for elite accounts.

4. You can create a guild.

5. Your UXP cap is raised to 1,000 instead of the 500 for normal accounts.

6. At Level 20, a 25% discount in the Fame Shop.


I love to write and read. :)

If you need an ear, or some advice, feel free to message me anytime! :)

Some things to do with symbols!!!


.......... `.=. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (lawnmower)

Also, please go to Crystaline (#1065728)'s 'About' page! She has an awesome rescue center, and is looking for donations!

At 12:11am January 17th, 2016, I was #4 for rank for about... 3 minutes!!! Whoo hoo! :D

Helpful Tips About Coding!

If you would like to post/ display an image, here's the code you should use:

<*img src="IMAGE LINK HERE"*>

And a resized image, so it doesn't stretch the page (width should be 450 for forums etc.): <*img src="IMAGE LINK HERE" width="NO." height="NO."*>

Finally, if you want a link to an image/ image site: <*a href="IMAGE LINK HERE">YOUR TEXT (displayed)*>

To make text larger: <*font size="FONT SIZE HERE">TEXT HERE<*/font> (For size, just put in 2, 4, 6, etc. until you find the size you like)

To make text bold: <*b>TEXT HERE<*/b*>

To make text italic: <*i>TEXT HERE<*/i*>

To put text in the center of the page: <*center>TEXT HERE<*/center*>

Just remove the *s. c:

A huge shoutout to Anwen ( for helping me put my background/stuff together! She's awesome. ;)

I've Got Quality Belgian Laekenois on Furry-Paws.comI've Got Quality Africanis on Furry-Paws.comI've Got Quality American Indian Dogs on Furry-Paws.comI've Got Quality Silken Windhounds on Furry-Paws.comI've Got Quality Labrador Retrievers on Furry-Paws.comI've Got Quality Border Collies on

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12:05pm on Mar 28

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