Worthy Rivals in Training Kennels

Worthy Rivals in Training Kennels (WRITK)

Welcome to Worthy Rivals in Training (WRIT), where beauty meets purpose. In this kennel, we celebrate the stunning elegance and captivating presence of the most visually striking dog breeds. Each dog here is carefully bred no only for their aesthetic appeal, but also for their health and ability to excel in a variety of sports. These breeds have caught our eye for their grace, form, and striking features, making them stand out in any environment.

From the Afghan Hound's flowing coat to the Tibetan Mastiff's regal stature, and the Pharaoh Hound's sleek elegance, our dogs represent the pinnacle of beauty and athleticism. While each dog is a masterpiece in its own right, they are also trained to compete in a diverse array of sports - including, but not limited to, AgilityRacingFlyballFrisbee - to ensure that they're as capable as they are stunning.

At WRITK, beauty is more than skin deep. These dogs are worthy rivals, ready to prove that form and function can coezist in harmony. Join us as we breed and train the most exquisite, versatile, and capable dogs, all while celebrating their unique charm and presence.


Game Time

05:58pm on Mar 21

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