Nom Nom Bear's Kennel

welcome to my kennel ... I am Nom Nom Bear, kindhearted, lover of the bully breed I love pitbulls and the bully breed . I own a pitbull in real life. I hate what people do to them. They are sweet animals .They are not viciuous or dangeries, They will steal your heart not your life . People have given them a bad reptaution and a sterotype. They are only dangerious if that's the way they were raise .. If the owner taught them abusive ways then that's the only way they know to treat other living creatures ...There is no such thing as "bad dog" only "bad owner" I want to change what people think about them ...DO NOT abuse them and they WILL NOT abuse you ,hurt them and they will hurt you.. Give them a sterotype and a bad repatuion as killers and then in their eyes you will be known as the killer ...LOVE THEM AND THEY WILL LOVE YOU... Pitbulls are living, breathing creatures that god aslo put on this earth ... They aslo need love, and attention... They have feelings 2 and how do you think it feels to be known as a killer ... Im sorry my dog inpportaiely licked your face inside of gnawing it off...Goes against your sterotype view...dosent it???. How would you like to be judge right off and soon as someone sees you because you have blond hair or black ... because your male or female .. beside your white or black...that's what you do to them... things you cant help ... they cant help they are pitbulls and a few of them were taught wrong and did wrong .... quit judging for who they are . I challenge you to adopt one and treat it right and love it...Is it two much to ask THIS IS MY MISSION...IS IT YOURS???...

Game Time

08:53am on Feb 8

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