~Caster Dreams~ #RescueTeam

Welcome To The Rescue Team Of Caster Dreams! We buy dogs from the humane society then nurse them back to full health and strength then sell them for a low price. We often find dogs that are too special to sell so they are put in the Hopes And Memories kennel and become locked to prevent them from being retired. Our team mascot is *drum roll* No One Yet!!!! *laughing noise* I guess that was pretty easy to guess...... Anyway some rescues are also bought because we also think that selling the poor dogs should also be healthy and free again. I only do this because I have no goal of 'breeding high dogs', that is not my wish... I only wish that every dog in FurryPaws is clean,groomed and naturally healthy. On rare occasions we will train up some dogs that look like they good be pretty useful to someone who likes contest dogs... On sad occasions we find old dogs for sale and in the human society!?! It's just cruel! Why can't you people keep them until they retire or for dogs sake just lock 'em! *Cries* those poor dogs being sold at old age, would you do that to a real dog... Well now that, that's over I can finally go back to finding rescues!

Game Time

06:10pm on Mar 11

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