Øtter Lake Kennel

Welcome to My Kennel!

Est. 2014



Username: Øtterhound
Nicknames: Ø
Timezone: EST/EDT


Played Since: July 24, 2014
Breed Specialties: Border Collies, Australian Shepherds

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Øtter Lake Kennel


hey, i began playing in 2014 and forgot about this account and made a new one... but i managed to log into the old one (this one) and i now use it as a backup account for my main account. my main account is #1381614 although i barely use this site anymore and i don't really play for the dogs. i sometimes pop in to see how things are going but for the most part i have matured past this site and i spend my time in other places doing other things with other people now. it's sad seeing as i have spent such a long time on this site making friends and learning lessons but it's time i move on. all things, good and bad, must come to an end. time flies by when you're having fun. last updated jan 2., 2023

Game Time

02:25am on Mar 25

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