Elite Albanian Kennels

Welcome to my kennel! I've been here for a while, since 2012 actually but I lost the password to that account so I started new. This is a kennel where I sell, breed, & rescue dogs. Sad to say, in not breeding my Border Collies anymore, I will truly miss their rare coats that I breed. It's time for something new. My current projects are the Carpathian Shepherd and the American Bully. My dogs produce the best traits from their bloodline, straining from champions of 100+ generations. All dogs are for sale in the "FOR SALE" building with prices ranging from $5,000-$50,000 depending on the level & rarity of colour & their "litter worth" they have. We don't train them, it's all up to you what you want to do with them :)

I'm also running in the Bull-Type Terriers casso, I'd really appreciate it a lot if you voted for me!

Game Time

02:25am on Mar 25

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