Paradise Falls United

PFU's Kennel

Hey! So I'm PFU, I breed mostly drovers for colour and competiting. Dogs i currently breed for colour are:

  • Border Collies (BC)
  • German Shepherds (GSD)
  • Cardigan Welsh Corgis (CWC) 
  • Shetland Sheepdogs (SSD)
  • Mudis (MU)
  • Australian Koolies (AK)
  • Australian Shepherds (AS)
  • Minature Australian Shepherds (MAS)
  • Siberian Huskies (SH)

I also breed a couple of other breeds, but not for colour.

If you're really interested in buying any of my dogs, message me and we can negotiate a price.



Anyways, here's a lil Q&A so you don't have to message me about these random/useful things:

What does PFU stand for?

"Paradise Falls United" - I was watching the movie "Up", and there was a waterfall named "Paradise Falls". So I added a "United" on the end of that, and that's how I got my name.

How much do I have to pay for a puppy/breeding?

Generally all my puppies are priced at $0, but I never accept bids of $0 (I can make more money selling the puppy to the pet home). For higher quality litters, i will expect more money. Highest bids on each litter will be accepted. I don't do kennel checks, nor do I care if you look after the dog, but I do occasionally check on how my puppies are doing. All puppies will come with the "»PFU«" prefix, no exceptions.

Breeding with my females will cost $5,000 each. Breeding with males are calculated taking into account HHs, litter size, level and colour.

Can I have a free puppy? (We are friends)

No. I need money, and I'm not a rescue. Sorry!

note: I live in the UK, so I can generally be found between 4am - 4PM FP time.

notes for me: BGs: Agility , Camping , Castle , Cherry Blossom Lake , Christmas Night , Christmas Suburbs , Christmas Tree , Cool Blue , Cool Gray , Cool Green , Cool Pink , Cool Purple , Dawn of the Bunnies , Earthdog , Easter Park , Fall Park , Field of Red Tulips , Field of Tulips , Field Trials , Flying Hearts , Frozen Aurora , Glowing Igloo , Harvest Moon , Herding , Phoenix Tree , Pumpkin Patch , Racing , Ship Deck , Show Ring , Sledding , Snowy Forest , Solid Black , Spooky , Spring Garden , Spring Blue Garden , Spring Meadow , Volcano , Warm Orange , Water Work , Winter Barn If you have the Sledding or Water Work background and are willing to sell it, please send me a message and we can work something out. I want to complete my collection!

Game Time

03:50am on Mar 3

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