The Geekdom

Welcome to The Geekdom

Here at the Geekdom we breed our dogs to be welled rounded, but with a certain emphasis on Speed, Agility, and Intelligence.

I've settled on three breeds:
My Main Breeds will be Aidi
I've Got Quality Aidis on
But I'll also be breeding Great Pyrenees & Kuvasz
I will also be keeping a few Australian Shepherds and Border Collies (cause I love them in RL)

If you're looking though my "Other Geeks" tab and see a dog that you're in love with let me know, I'd most likely sell it to you. I normally buy those dogs because they are in need of TLC. There are a few in there that I'm attached to, so don't be too disappointed if I turn your offer down. My Aidi aren't for sell, or breeding, unless otherwise stated.

Breeding Information

I often have public breedings from my boys for reasonable prices.
-If you get a covering from one of my males and will sell me a puppy, I will buy the puppy for the cost of the cover. If you are an Elite Member you get, 1 Puppy for you, all the money from the other puppies going to homes, and a free stud cover. This offer is standing for all litters (w/ more than 1.0 XPM) coming from my dogs. If you're not an elite, I'll allow you to have 2 breedings from my stud and will purchase 1 puppy for the cost of BOTH covers added together. The two stud dogs don't have to be the same breed if you choose to do this. Please let me know you'd like to do this before you ask for the first stud cover.
--EXAMPLE: Stud cover costs 10k FPD, you offer to sell me a pup, I buy it for 10k FPD.

I don't offer females for breeding as often. The offer with the males talked about above will be expected for my females, and will only be offered to Elite players or non-Elite players who are serious about their game. (Have well looked after pups and dogs, have good XPM, and are serious about the breed they're asking about).

Feel free to ask me about breeding for animals that aren't listed for stud/brood. Also I will respectfully ask that you don't use the b**** word when referring to the females covers, please call them broods instead. I know that it is the correct word, but it has gained a negative meaning that I'd rather just not deal with in this game.

Selling Information

Sell Prices are always negotiable, unless otherwise stated in the dog's description. Prices are well researched and a reflection of how much work I've put into the dog personally. I do rescue dogs and resell them. Most dogs listed in the "Other Geeks" tab are available at the right price. Females with 2 (or more) breedings are considered rescues automatically; they aren't available for purchase. I've bought them to continue caring for them until retirement and keep them from being bred again. (An attempt to keep lower XMP puppies from overpopulating the game, particularly in my main breeds).

"Geeky" Prefix

You will only find Aidi using the prefix "Geeky". Most will be Good+ health, though a few may have one fair. Generations other than Gen 1 will have a XMP higher than 1.0. I'm planning to use it on most of my Aidi, if you're looking for a pup w/out the prefix give me a shout and we can try to work it out. Please know that I'm planning to keep my line almost completely closed to other players.


Geeky Aidi
Younger Aidi who have clean genetic lines.
Geekier Aidi
Aidi that are a little older, but have clean lines as well.
Geekiest Aidi
Aidi that have inbreeding, but are still awesome dogs.
White N Nerdy
Kuvasz & Great Pyrenees with clean lines, many of them semi-rescues.
Other Geeks
Dogs that aren't Aidi, Kuvasz, or Great Pyrenees; but are also not rescues.
Rescued Geeks
Dogs that are rescued. Have poor stats for their age, aren't well cared for, or are over-bred. There is the occasional non-rescue kept in there when I'm low on space in other kennels.


You sent me a breeding request, but never used it. Why?
I always send two breeding requests for my females, and even occasionally for my males. Then if both parties accept the breeding request, I go with the better (fe)male. I do this to reduce the chance of me having to lock my dogs if you don't log on for a few days. However if I don't use your dog, I will send you the money that would have been used on the cover.
You sent me money, but I can't figure out why.
Normally I will let you know why I sent money, however if I didn't. See above, if that doesn't seem to apply then I probably sent you a gift or typed in the wrong account number when transferring the money. Either way enjoy the money!
You accepted my breeding request but your dog is locked!
I'm always forgetting to unlock my dogs when accepting breeding requests. Just send me a quick personal message, and I'll unlock the dog.
I would like to sell you one, or more, of my dogs. Would you be interested?
I'm almost always open to buying dogs from other players. If your dog is an Aidi I will defiantly buy it. If you'd like to sell me a dog just PM me with your offer. If I do turn you down, please don't be too upset.
I would like to breed my dog to yours, however your dog isn't listed for breeding. Are you okay will me asking for a cover?
If the dog isn't an Aidi please feel free to request a breeding. If the dog is an Aidi in the "Geekiest Aidi" tab you can send me a request only if you are willing to sell me one of the pups and your dog is of equal or greater quality to my dog. Use this to determine dog quality. If the dog is an Aidi in my other tabs, you must be willing to sell me a pup, your dog must be of equal or greater quality, and must be the same generation before I will even consider a breeding request. If your dog doesn't meet those requirements please don't send a breeding request, if your dog meets these requirements I will consider the breeding but it might not happen.
Your dogs have a lot of weirdness in their names. What is that and why do they have it?
I do have lots of weirdness in the names of my dogs. An example would be -{G2.Lla.EGFE.0/5} this translates to:
-Generation 2 (G2)
-The breeding genetics Lla,
-The dog has (Excellent Hips, Good Elbows, Fair Eyes and Excellent Ears),
-The dog has been bred 0 out of 5 possible times (if this dog were a female it would say 0/2).
-The negative in front of everything else means that the dog has XMP of less than 1.000x.
-A dog might also have |#/#| in it's name, that is the date the dog needs to be locked with the top number representing date and the lower number the month.
-Another symbol you might see is [#/#], this is the next day that a dog needs to be bred (this is more commonly found in the name of female dogs).
I have all of this weirdness in the dog's name to help me remember all the vital information at 1 glance. You might have also noted a number in the dog's description; this number represents the quality of the dog based on this calculator.

Game Time

03:12am on Mar 4

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