Of Silence and Songfare


The Rewind Aviary

Our first kennel hierarchy which seeks to raise premium German Shepherds with a bias in double-boosted intint intint, along with the necessary 24 HH, lala, and varying colors.

The Howling Heavans

>> Highest tier of supremacy of the Rewind Aviary. "Raptor" Shepherds belonging to this kennel exemplify the greatest supremacy offered by the Aviary. These dogs hold exemplary genes and are individually nurtured and encouraged for their best results.

These dogs are named after certain species of Accipitriformes (Birds of Prey) and can be noted for their marked (HH)

Bitch Raptors will be bred once and only once in their lives- their offspring are chosen for particular and exceptional plans.

These pups are from what's known as Remarked litters.

>>[ HH = 24 ]

>>[ litters = lala ]

>>[ Double Boost = intint intint ]

>>[ Sole Litter ]

The Singing Skies

>> Middle tier of supremacy of the Rewind Aviary."Songbird" Bitch Shepherds belonging to this kennel would qualify for the Howling Heavens kennel, excepting for a specification in Boost genes (3 int genes) which instead place them in the Singing Skies kennel. Bitch Shepherds expected to produce Raptor offspring are known as Full Birds.

These dogs are named after bird common names (Any of excluding the Raptors) and can be noted for their marked (SB)

Bitch Songbirds will be bred a handful of times- their first litter will be bred at 80 Days as a Remarked litter, and all litters following will be Fodder litters.

>>[ HH = 24 ]

>>[ litters = lala ]

>>[ Single Boost = xint intint ]

>>[ First Choice, Fodder Litters ]

The Baying Broods

>> Lowest tier of supremacy of the Rewind Aviary. Shepherds belonging to this kennel do not qualify for any other kennel. Will vary in Genetic soundness as new arrivals retain generally low favor and those preparing to breed out retain higher favored genes. Bitch Shepherds expected to produce Songbird offspring are known as Full Hens.

These dogs are named after a first thought format (Often catching phrases) and can be noted for their marked (50t1)

Bitch Hens will produce constantly throughout their lives and all offspring will be considered Fodder litters.

>>[ 0 < HH < 23 ]

>>[ ll < litters < lala ]

>>[ xx < Single Boost < xint ]

>>[ Fodder Litters ]

Any Shepherd with a prefix of 'Avian' outside of the Aviary is bred of the Howling Heavens kennel (Highest tier) and has met all current qualifications for supremacy.


The Rewind Marine

Our second kennel hierarchy will soon partake in raising premium Border Collies with a bias in double boosted intint intint, along with the necessary 24 HH, lala, and varying colors.

The Roaring Riptides

>> Highest tier of supremacy of the Rewind Marine. "Cascade" Collies belonging to this kennel exemplify the greatest supremacy offered by the Marine. These dogs hold exemplary genes and are individually nurtured and encouraged for their best results.

These dogs are named after certain species of the Carcharhinidae (Sharks) and can be noted for their marked (RR)

Bitch Cascades will be bred once and only once in their lives- their offspring are chosen for particular and exceptional plans.

These pups are from what's known as Remarked litters.

>>[ HH = 24 ]

>>[ litters = lala ]

>>[ Double Boost = intint intint ]

>>[ Sole Litter ]

The Growling Gulfs

>> Middle tier of supremacy of the Rewind Marine. "Whiperool" Bitch Collies belonging to this kennel would qualify for the Roaring Riptides kennel, excepting for a specification in Boost genes (3 int genes) which instead place them in the Growling Gulfs kennel. Bitch Collies expected to produce Cascade offspring are known as Full Brooks.

These dogs are named after aquatic-life common names (Any of excluding the Apex Aquatic) and can be noted for their marked (WP)

Bitch Whiperools will be bred a handful of times- their first litter will be bred at 80 Days as a Remarked litter, and all litters following will be Fodder litters.

>>[ HH = 24 ]

>>[ litters = lala ]

>>[ Single Boost = xint intint ]

>>[ First Choice, Fodder Litters ]

The Sighing Shallows

>> Lowest tier of supremacy of the Rewind Marine. Collies belonging to this kennel do not qualify for any other kennel. Will vary in Genetic soundness as new arrivals retain generally low favor and those preparing to breed out retain higher favored genes. Bitch Collies expected to produce Whiperool offspring are known as Full Drops.

These dogs are named after a first thought format (Often catching phrases) and can be noted for their marked (50t1)

Bitch Drops will produce constantly throughout their lives and all offspring will be considered Fodder litters.

>>[ 0 < HH < 23 ]

>>[ ll < litters < lala ]

>>[ xx < Single Boost < xint ]

>>[ Fodder Litters ]

Any Collie with a prefix of 'Avian' outside of the Aviary is bred of the Roaring Riptides kennel (Highest tier) and has met all current qualifications for supremacy.


The Rewind Glacier

Our third kennel hierarchy will partake in raising premium Siberian Huskies with a bias in double boosted intint intint along with the necessary 24 HH, lala, and varying colors.

The Bellowing Blizzards

>> Highest tier of supremacy of the Rewind Glacier. "Panther" Huskies belonging to this kennel exemplify the greatest supremacy offered by the Glacier. These dogs hold exemplary genes and are individually nurtured and encouraged for their best results.

These dogs are named after certain species of Panthera (Big Cats) and can be noted for their marked (BB)

Bitch Panthers will be bred once and only once in their lives- their offspring are chosen for particular and exceptional plans.

These pups are from what's known as Remarked litters.

>>[ HH = 24 ]

>>[ litters = lala ]

>>[ Double Boost = intint intint ]

>>[ Sole Litter ]

The Thrumming Tempests

>> Middle tier of supremacy of the Rewind Glacier. "Softclaw" Bitch Huskies belonging to this kennel would qualify for the Bellowing kennel, excepting for a specification in Boost genes (3 int genes) which instead place them in the Thrumming Tempests kennel. Bitch Huskies expected to produce Panther offspring are known as Full Storms.

These dogs are named after feline common names (Any of excluding the Big Cats) and can be noted for their marked (SC)

Bitch Softclaws will be bred a handful of times- their first litter will be bred at 80 Days as a Remarked litter, and all litters following will be Fodder litters.

>>[ HH = 24 ]

>>[ litters = lala ]

>>[ Single Boost = xint intint ]

>>[ First Choice, Fodder Litters ]

The Quiet Quells

>> Lowest tier of supremacy of the Rewind Aviary. Huskies belonging to this kennel do not qualify for any other kennel. Will vary in Genetic soundness as new arrivals retain generally low favor and those preparing to breed out retain higher favored genes. Bitch Huskies expected to produce Softclaw offspring are known as Full Clouds.

These dogs are named after a first thought format (Often catching phrases) and can be noted for their marked (50t1)

Bitch Clouds will produce constantly throughout their lives and all offspring will be considered Fodder litters.

>>[ 0 < HH < 23 ]

>>[ ll < litters < lala ]

>>[ xx < Single Boost < xint ]

>>[ Fodder Litters ]

Any Husky with a prefix of 'Avian' outside of the Aviary is bred of the Bellowing Blizzards kennel (Highest tier) and has met all current qualifications for supremacy.


The Rewind Range

Our forth and final kennel hierarchy will partake in raising premium Shiba Inus with a bias in double boosted intint intint.

Game Time

11:33pm on Mar 11

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