Emma's Kennel

Ladies and Gentleman, boys and girls, put your hands together for all the animals in Emma's Kennel!! Even though they are only dogs, They are still family! They are all the color of creamy snow, and their names' all start with the letter 'C'! And a lot of people ask me "Why white?, "Why the letter C?", "Why dogs?", well first off, you can only purchase dogs so... yeah. Also, The first time I got a dog, I didn't know she was going to be white, but she was. And it was also snowing, so I named her "Snow"! Then I got another dog, (which my sister gave to me) He was also unintentionally white, so I named him "Romeo", because I was going to get another dog and name her "Juliet", but I just bred Romeo and Snow anyways, and I got 3 beautiful creamy colored pups, named Snail, Prince, and Oscar. Then later, I renamed Snow to "Sugar"! I am now keeping Prince. And Romeo is now Connor, and Sugar is now Cassidy. I have 5 dogs and 5 pups, all white, names all beginning with C. They are all typed of breeds, genders, and sizes. I have 5 breeds, 2 of each of those breeds, and out of those 2 of each of those breeds, I have one girl and one boy. *Dogs* ------------ *Female* -Cake- Akita -Cassidy- Japanese Spitz ---------------------------------------------- *Male* -Cloud- Great Pyrenees -Connor- Japanese Spitz -Carlos- Samoyed ------------------------------------ *Pups* --------------- *Female* -Chloe- Great Pyrenees -Casey- Samoyed -Cailee- West Highland White Terrier -------------------------------------------- *Male* -Cotton- Akita -Cameron- West Highlander White Terrier ------------------------------------------------------ I LOVE DOGS SOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!! And those are all my dogs, (For now) Update you when I get more!!! Any questions or concerns, just friend me, and ask away!!!! Bye!!! <3

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06:23pm on Feb 3

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