Unknown Legends, Forgotten Lores

Hello one and all. This is a kennel that dedicates itself to raising border collies, Shih Tzus, Australian Koolies, Alaskan Huskies, West Siberian Laikas and Korean Jindos. We strive to be the best we can be.
  • So far this kennel runs Herding Shows, upon leveling up we will start running several other shows: hunting trials, field trials, sledding x2(one will have a bias in Stamina), and one or two, maybe three others) others.
  • There will be one kennel dedicated to each dog I've owned as well as several of my roleplay characters. The pets will have a '(P)' or '(Pet)' in their names and the roleplay characters will have a '(RP)' in their names
    My name is Bethany and I am a 20 year old disabled female and with multiple health issues. As stated on my 'user' page I'll have them listed here.
    • Neurofibromatosis type 1(NF1) this is a genetic disorder where tumors grow along nerves throughout the body. Ive had quite a few surguries to remove my tumors but due to them growing on the nerves they never can be removed completely.
    • High Spectrum Autism
    • ADD and ADHD
    • Anxiety
    • I am completely blind in my right eye(because of several surgeries to remove tumors behind the eye); poor and no peripheral vision in my left eye
    • I have Arthritis, this is as of a year and a half to two years. At this time it's only in my hands.
    • I have a service dog, a goldendoodle named Bear, who helps me on my blind side and helps me with daily life.
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Game Time

08:12pm on Mar 28

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