"Mycket Nöje" Hundars Huset



Hi there! My name is Spetter. On here I'm a fanatic Border Collie breeder. I'm also trying to raise some good Cavaliers, among other breeds I like. I'm a dog / language fanatic, so talking about dogs and languages is always appreciated! For now, I'm going to say cheers, groetjes or adjö, whichever you like, and I hope to talk to you in the future!


Currently I'm into Border Collies, as you know. I'll buy any 24HH lala BC from you for a decent price! I'm also selling BCs, and if you want they can be bred to order! Other breeds I'm taking on are the Cavalier (because I own one myself), Papillon, English Shepherd, Lapponian Herder and the Shetland Sheepdog. However, of most of these breeds I do not own enough dogs yet to start breeding seriously - so no sales in that area yet, sorry!

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01:23pm on Feb 1

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