fjh's Kennel

Feel free to message me! I do take bulk orders - if you want anything, just message me! (including krongs) A lot of my lines started with HS dogs and only the occasional outside breeding. The lines I am focusing on right now are welsh terriers, great pyrenees, pug, border terrier, and labrador retriever. If you are ever interested in breeding with (or buying) one of my dogs even if its not taking requests, just let me know. The whole point is to get some better genetics out there on some more difficult breeds. I do run a mini "rescue" (not exactly a rescue) between here and my side. I adopt all dogs I see in the HS and accept unwanted/uncared for dogs from other players. If they have decent genetics in a breed I'm interested in, I will keep them in my "side show" kennel until they retire, and line breed them until their offspring end up in my "mini projects" kennel. These guys will never be sold. Otherwise, I will equip and care for them and put them in my "sale" kennel on PUBLIC sale until they find a new home. I try to keep the prices cheap enough for new players to afford, but high enough that you actually want the dog enough to care for it. If you want a certain dog but can't afford the price, just message me. Notes: GSD: int, schutzhund WT: int, obedience lab: stm, frisbee BL: int, schutzhund GP: str, pulling BT: int, obedience pug: str, show boxer: stm, frisbee agi, water works

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04:05am on Feb 20

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