Autumn Creek Vineyard Your virtual dog could be the next champion! My Characters

Luca D'Andrea


I've Got Quality Australian Cattle Dogs on

Writing examples

Random short story I was writing

Chapter 1

A girl stands with her friends.

Laughing and joking, you can see why everyone around her can't take their eyes off her.

Then blink.

The girl is running as fast as she can.

Heart pounding and tears streaming.

Everything can change in an instant.




The first thing I see when I open my eyes is Tina's big blue ones staring anxiously back at me. 'Oh my Gosh June- I mean Roxira are you ok? You nearly woke the whole street up with your screaming!' I just blink back in response. I'm trying to remember what happen in my nightmare. Also she called me June. Everyone used to. Up until he started to call me it. Then I got everyone to call me by my first name again. Tina still forgets sometimes as I've known her all my life and for the first 16 years everyone called me June. Up until a year ago when he came along and everything started to go wrong. Answer me Roxira! Are you ok? CAN YOU HEAR ME?' This was accompanied by a lot of shoulder shaking. Which involved Tina physically wrenches my shoulders from the bed and throwing me forwards and backwards. She was surprisingly strong for such a petite person. Yes, I'm fine you can stop shaking me now' I said before she practically threw me on the floor. Phew, I thought for a minute there you'd passed out on me again. Well, you can't blame me for worrying, you remember what happened at the beach last summ-' Yes I remember what happened. Please don't bring it up' I interrupt before even more painful memories could be dragged up. Well get out of bed then, It's 7am already and you don't want to be late on your first day as a senior.' With that Tina got up and sauntered out, her stylish blonde bob spiked up everywhere. On most people it would have looked ridiculous, but Tina had so much confidence that she could pretty much pull anything off. I flung the cream covers off and walked to the mirror. A tall, tanned slim girl stared back at me. She had long auburn hair that reached down to her elbow and stunning green eyes. Like deep pools of mystery he had said. But in her eyes there was pain and sadness. The only thing that stopped her being truly beautiful. I tugged at my hair with a brush and turned away from the reflection scanning the room for my makeup bag. My room is fairly small and cream with a pile of clothes on the floor and a wooden furniture set. I found the bag and applied a light layer of mascara. Placing the bag down, I walked over to the wardrobe and pulled out the outfit I had put together in a quick burst of 'I can make a new start' excitement last night. A short pink sun dress with flower pattern. Tina had squealed with excitement when she saw it at our local shopping center. 'OMG that is so you' she had said. I'd bought it, mostly out of tiredness and wanting to get home quickly. Shopping used to be something I enjoyed. Up until he came along. I threw the dress on and grabbed a pair of white flats. Taking the wooden stairs two at a time, I rush down. I went into the white, modern kitchen and grabbed a piece of toast. Everything in the house was modern and sleek, a lot like Tina really. I barely have a chance to finish half the slice before Tina hustled me out the door to her cherry red convertible. I quickly swallow the sick feeling that rises up inside of me every time I think about the prospect of going back to school and seeing everyone and facing their questions. I climb into the car.

Chapter 2 Jaun Ponce High School is named after the Key West's founder and is about a five minute drive from Tina's stylish villa. Tina's dad left her and her mum when she was 5 and has been feeling guilty ever since. He throws money at her like it's going out of fashion, so as a result Tina has everything she could ever want. Last summer when I was kicked out of my old foster family's house because of the incident,Tina said I could move in with her. She'd bought the villa so she could live on her own away from her mother- who to be fair, is a little moody at times. I've never known my parents because they died when I was very young and I've been moved around the Key West my whole life. I suppose I should be thankful that I was moved around in a small area so I could still go to the same school and stay best friends with Tina. The drive to school is a fairly pleasant one. A long, smooth road with very few turns. Flowers and trees grow wild at the sides and provide the only shade from the oppressive heat. I stare out the windscreen and all too soon the school comes into view. JPHS has around 1000 students in each of the 4 years, so it's fairly small compared to some other high schools. The downside is news travels like wildfire, just like the news that I would be coming back had travelled, if the reaction as I stepped out of the car was anything to go by. The entire student body seemed to turn and gawp at me as I walked up to the steps leading to the main building. Everyone exchanged glances as if to say 'That's Roxira, she's back' and 'Remember what happened to her?' When I finally entered the main building and glanced back, I swear I saw him standing in the crowd. But that would be impossible. He is still in prison where I left him.


For TBS:

What are you supposed to feel, when all you experience is nothing? What are you supposed to do, when you can’t muster the energy to care? What are you supposed to say, when you can’t think past the swirling darkness in your brain long enough to formulate a sentence? You hate that they made you this way. They harassed and bullied you. It was all harmless. Fun. That’s what they had explained. You said they could say what they liked about your looks, but they couldn’t touch your mind; and yet. Yet, they had pushed and pushed. Pushed away all the light in your mind, all the joy, all the curiosity, until there was nothing left. How can you make others like you when you don’t even like yourself? You wish you knew the answer.

For Mw3wolf: Watch out. Don’t come too close. Yes, that’s better. She’s known as the shy one. The one who doesn’t talk much. Most would see this as a bad thing, but she prefers it this way. Why spend time talking to strangers when she could be with her family? More people in her life would take away her time from her mother and her siblings. How could she protect them if she wasn’t there? She has trust issues, but can you blame her? One mistake was all it took to send her father into a frenzy; yelling, hitting and screaming at her. She had to remain strong, she would do anything to protect her mother from the pain of the truth. For so long she would spend her days hoping he wouldn’t come near her, and her nights wishing the hurt away. Of course, her mother eventually found out, she knew something was wrong, but never could she have imagined the horror of the reality. They moved; her mother and her siblings, but not too far. They could never fully break the tie, never truly escape the pull he had on them. Now when she lies awake at night wiping away her tears, she dreams of what could have been if she had a different father. She still visits him sometimes - we’re drawn to the things that harm us after all.

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10:19pm on Mar 3

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