Paws For Life Rescue and Boarding Center (PLRB)

Adopting or Fostering:
If you would like to adopt or foster an animal you must meet the following requirements.
-You must have at least 5 dogs that you show everyday. If you are unable to show a dog you have purchased from PLRB for at the most 2 days, you must either lock the dog or board the dog at PLRB.
-When you purchase a dog from PLRB we can not purchase it back from you for:
Fostering: 2 days after purchase
Adoption: 5 days after purchase
-Every dog being purchased will be equipped with level appropriate equipment and food. If you would like to purchase your own equipment for any reason please notify me before your purchase.
-Price will be based of the dogs level but is negotiable through message.
- The max. dogs allowed to be purchased from 1 user is 2 per week. Each dog will be sold at a price according to its level. (level x 400)
-PLRB also allows buy outs if any user does not have room, does not have enough time, or does not want the dog
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If you would like to house or board an animal please follow the following directions:
1. The dog(s) must be given to us 2 days before you actually need us.
2. All dog(s) will be kept unlocked and will be taken care of. Boarding cost can range depending on the amount of dogs, the amount of days kept and an additional fee will need to be paid to pay for supplies. ( # Dog(s) x # Days x 200)
3. After owners are ready to get their dogs back a transfer will be sent with the amount of money owed. Time spent getting money does not add to days boarded and the dog will be locked until owners can pay full amount.
When sending dogs to be boarded you must transfer the dogs to #1287501 and leave it at $0 and make sure to put your Transfer ID in the dogs name so that I may transfer with the right personspan>
Welcome to Paws For Life Rescue and Boarding!
Here are a few services we offer:
-Adopting or Fostering
-Housing/Boarding span>
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