Manor Heart Kennel

This has been many things before beginning with a warrior Charp Superior which then I was her shadow before becoming my own and breaking free. When I found confidence, I was able to great the place she had been whilst I was just in the background watching her little mweors. Eventually I came to realise that I was her but also someone else. So here back to taking care in furrypaws which I had left for a while since I tend to prefer cats than dogs and I like fantasy adventures. Herd of Hounds the future world has brought my intest more than Furrypaw Ville, but who knows perhaps I'll just come here every now and again to see what's happening. I feel kinda bad of leaving this game and I don't lock the dogs because I don't know when I'll be leaving again. I get bored and I don't want to come every day just to put up with virtual dogs to do every single thing with them. Click simulator shame that will never be added because they want everyone to click on every single thing to become a slave to a with a dog that isn't real. Joking obviously, but on a side note I might not be here for months on end just know that I'll be here someday who knows when.

Game Time

01:34am on Mar 12

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