Skip's Kennel

Welcome to my kennel!

Here at my kennel we breed Australian Shepherds, Old English Sheepdogs, American Indian Dogs, Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers, Kerry Blue Terriers, Dandie Dinmont Terriers, Scottish Deerhounds, Keeshonden, Tibetan Mastiffs, Tibetan Spaniels, and Chinese Shar-Peis. All of my dogs are trained at my Private 3* training centers in either Herding, Dock Diving, Agility, Show, or Obedience.

All males are offered for breeding to any level for 20,000 FPD.
Females are occasionally offered for breeding to approved and titled males. If interested please mail me.

Any dog that was bred by me or who's sire or dam has the prefix S:K or is owned by me who reaches Champion title in any sport will have 50,000 FPD mailed to their owner.
If you have a puppy who reaches these requirements please mail me their name and what kennel they are in. If I confirm they have met requirements I will mail you your reward!

We occasionally have a few litters on the ground. Please mail me if you are looking for a puppy out of a certain female or male that I own and then I will let you know when they are bred. Our dogs are only bred once they have achieved at least a Champion Title in their sport.

We also commonly have rescue dogs available under the tab, "Extras".

Skip's Hall Of Fame Dogs
These dogs are active dogs on my account that have reached at least National Champion title. They are removed from this list once retired.

Skip's Nowhere Man
World Champion Obedience
Male American Indian Dog
WCM Taik Canvas x WCD S:K Skip's I Should Have Known Better

Skip's Norwegian Wood
World Champion Show
Female American Indian Dog
WCM Taik White Cinnamon x WCO S:K Skip's Don't Bother Me

Skip's Drive My Car
Continental Champion Show
Female American Indian Dog
WCFR Taik Hot Caco x CCSH S:K Skip's Till There Was You

Skip's Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
World Champion Obedience
Female Australian Shepherd
WCT Swamp Song Of Storms Of Bradmi x WCO S:K Skip's There's A Place

Skip's Fixing A Hole
World Champion Show
Male American Indian Dog
UCHT Said The Sky x WCD S:K Skip's I Should Have Known Better

Skip's Lonely Hearts Club Band
World Champion Obedience
Female American Indian Dog
WCFR Taik Mars x CCSH S:K Skip's If I Fell

Skip's Within You Without You
World Champion Obedience
Female American Indian Dog
WCHT Platinum Red Eye x CCSH S:K Skip's Till There Was You

Skip's Dizzy Miss Lizzy
World Champion Herding
Female Australian Shepherd
WCFL Santa Baby x NCH S:K Skip's Go To Him

Skip's Mr. Kite
World Champion Dock Diving
Male American Indian Dog
UCM I Don't Have The Time For Your Cheer x WCO S:K Skip's Don't Bother Me

Skip's Getting Better
Continental Champion Obedience
Female Australian Shepherd
WCFL Tea's Ferron x NCA S:K Skip's A Hard Day's Night

Skip's Martha My Dear
Continental Champion Dock Diving
Female American Indian Dog
CCD S:K Skip's Mr. Kite x CCSH S:K Skip's Till There Was You

Skip's She's Leaving Home
Continental Champion Herding
Female Australian Shepherd
WCH Jewel Of The Ocean [STM] 22/0 x NCH S:K Skip's Go To Him

Skip's Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da
Continental Champion Show
Female American Indian Dog
UCHT You Are Something Unusual [CHA] 20/0 x CCSH S:K Skip's If I Fell

Skip's All You Need Is Love
Continental Champion Herding
Female Australian Shepherd
WCT Swamp Song Of Storms Of Bradmi x NCA S:K Skip's Misery

Skip's Sgt. Pepper
Continental Champion Agility
Male Australian Shepherd
WCFL Santa Baby x CCA S:K Skip's I Saw Her Standing There

Skip's Tomorrow Never Knows
National Champion Agility
Male Australian Shepherd
WCFL Tea's Ferron x NCA S:K Skip's Misery

Skip's While My Guitar Gently Weeps
Continental Champion Obedience
Female American Indian Dog
WCSh S:K Skip's Fixing A Hole x WCD S:K Skip's I Should Have Known Better

Skip's Back In The USSR
National Champion Herding
Female Australian Shepherd
CCH S:K Skip's Act Naturally x CCA S:K Skip's I Saw Her Standing There

Skip's Wild Honey Pie
Continental Champion Herding
Male Australian Shepherd
WCH Jewel Of The Ocean x WCO S:K Skip's There's A Place

Skip's I'm So Tired
Continental Champion Obedience
Female Australian Shepherd
CCA S:K Skip's Sgt. Pepper x NCH S:K Skip's Go To Him

Skip's Bungalow Bill
National Champion Show
Male American Indian Dog
WCO S:K Skip's Nowhere Man x WCO S:K Skip's Don't Bother Me

Skip's Doing All Right
National Champion Obedience
Male Australian Shepherd
CCH S:K Skip's Act Naturally x NCA S:K Skip's A Hard Day's Night

Skip's Dear Prudence
National Champion Herding
Female Australian Shepherd
CCH S:K Skip's Act Naturally x NCA S:K Skip's A Hard Day's Night

Skip's Great Rat King
National Champion Show
Male American Indian Dog
WCO S:K Skip's Nowhere Man x CCSh S:K Skip's If I Fell

Game Time

07:11am on Mar 3

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