leat fingies

layout by Tamra (#1318780)
banner art by me (#1304884)
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a few tags

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my characters

char site favourites.

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contact me

discord - marma#4248 (please don't add me if i don't know you, i won't accept random requests)

instagram - @noooodledog

twitter - here

deviantart - here

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leo, korn, alpine, and myth are my favourite people (in no particular order! i love u all)

i'll write things here about u all later but i'm running on three (2) braincells update like 2yrs later im down to one

be my friend today and get added to the Great List
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about me?? i guess??

hi, i'm marma, i'm from canada, and i use they/them pronouns. i love birds (especially owls and sea ducks), plants, music, ants, and shrimp (as friends, not food). i have seven call ducks (yoshi, echo, eggo, juniper, doodle, basil, and chrys), seven chickens, and an australian shepherd named skye. i also enjoy video games.

i have around 30 houseplants and i love Every Single One of them. they all have stupid names (some examples: geoff, phil, brandon, and paul). i could probably tell you the botanical names of around one hundred aroids because for some reason i have that knowledge in my brain

i draw things occasionally, i use an ipad pro with procreate. if u want to see my art i'm on instagram as @noooodledog, however i only post there approximately once every century

my favourite bird species is barn owls, but all birds of prey and waterfowl are pretty awesome. my favourite band is twenty one pilots, but i also enjoy coldplay, imagine dragons, AJR, and waterparks. my favourite games are animal crossing (city folk and new horizons), stardew valley, LoZ breath of the wild, and minecraft.

if i don't respond to your message i am so sorry. i forget to reply to people and you can absolutely send me a reminder if it's been a few days. - - -

art stuff

if you have commissioned me and it's been a while since i've updated you, feel free to ask for an update - just don't bother me about it very frequently pls

i currently don't do comms or art trades. please don't ask about free art - i dont do that unless it's for friends


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skye is my 6 year old aussie, she was born january 3rd 2016. she loves snow, swimming, boat rides, car rides, agility, frisbees and running. her favourite toys are a soccer ball and a pink spiky ball
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my kennel

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- current projects - none
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rest in peace Rowan, Chris, Amy, Olive, Zelda, babies, and Louise. i love and miss you all

Game Time

02:32pm on Mar 14

Welcome Guest

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