Kurt Yagmur

Kurt Yagmur Kennel
Kennel only for Border Collies with a few exceptions.


Helix - Bermuda II
Punk - Bermuda
Montego - Bermuda
Khaki - Best Border Collie Breeding
Lime - Carol
Robin - Missmissingmew~
Cassia - Maisy
Dhansak - Maisy
Luci - Jay
Stoked - ALL Rescue Adoptions
Forest-Una Loba
Glasya-Una Loba
Tomato-Una Loba
Achiah-Una Loba
Pumpkin-Una Loba
Coriander-Una Loba
Cayenne - Direwolf
Ayperos-My Heart In Your Paws~Lani
Lilac-My Heart In Your Paws~Lani
Alal-My Heart In Your Paws~Lani
Alpharetta-My Heart In Your Paws~Lani
Midnight-My Heart In Your Paws~Lani
Balberith-My Heart In Your Paws~Lani
A Warm Rustic Soul-Moonglade
Foraii - FineHeart
Abyzou - Sadi
Hazel - Alpine
Wedelia - Alpine
Alimon - Alpine
Asakku - Alpine
Nerine - Mal
B - --Mary--
Brass - Anna
Oak - Anna
Fallen Angel - †FA‡
Banshee - Dinkarkara
At Your Best - Patriotic Donuts
Anesthesia - Patriotic Donuts
Rain - millie
Allocer - Dinkarkara
Saponaria - millie
Astrania - Loki
Echium - Shewholaughsloudest
Cyclamen - CatherineHewett
Methi - Tea
Iodine - Sassy
Who Would Have Thoght /"Cissus" - Salgray
Ginkgo - Cassiel
Alice in Wonderland - Wh!skey
Lark Song - martymutt
Mario - Rhode
Angelic Jewel of Sky - Creepo
Loquat - Penny445
Syurga Kerang - RueRue;)
Cododd Y Ifanc - RueRue;)
Kava - Satin
Kk - Therese
Ki - Madison deo
The Dying Embers of Life - Cpl. Aguilar: HERO!
Agnes - Lucy
Dora - Lucy
Gabriella - WhiteRaven_
Uma - Excellent~Puppies
Chase - Excellent~Puppies
Chasing Butterflys - Excellent~Puppies
Cream and Sugar - Parker
Kennedy - Haley
Platinum - Excellent~Puppies
Queen of Wolves - Stella
Zaheera - 24 - Klara
Sweet Tooth - Excellent~Puppies
Tweety Bird - Excellent~Puppies
Xander - Alcestia
Rachel - Alcestia
Sacha - Alcestia
Dappledleaf - Girl on Fire
Yasmina - Neverwhere Nevermore
Racquel - amber
Aaliyah - amber
Paloma - amber
Gabriela - amber
Tabatha - Michelle
Fabienne - Michelle
Maddie - Frankk
Arnold - Scooby
Analise - Enyo
Amelia - Enyo


  • Puppies ( in litter )
    If they're 24HH Usually I offer them for $0, and the puppy goes to the highest bidder except if the highest bid isn't valuable enough then I keep the pup and sell it on the market for $35,000 - $57,000
    • Puppies (ages 6-11)
      If 24HH they're sold for $45,000.

I've Got Quality Border Collies on Furry-Paws.com

If there are specific dogs you would like me to breed, message me the name of the Male and Female. Extra fees will be applied, it will cost you an extra $400 to reserve puppy(s), but you will have first pick on that litter. My puppies are sold anywhere between $10,000 to $24,000. If I have more than one bid on a puppy, it goes to the highest bidder. If the prices are the same the puppy WILL go to the first bidder. P.S. If you see a puppy that you would like, but can't bid because you're too late, send me a message to either request a breeding or if you want to be notified when my next litter is ready, and you will get First Pick.

Game Time

06:43pm on Mar 28

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