Howling Shadows Kennel

Hi everyone, welcome to Howling Shadows Kennel!
I've Got Quality Mudis on I've Got Quality Borzois on I've Got Quality Dachshunds on

First, I'd like to thank you if you read this page! And I'd like to appologize in case I'm making any grammar mistakes, since English isn't my motherthounge(I'm from Hungary) and the grammar of this language is pretty challanging to me.

Now let's talk about my so called "Rules", a.k.a. the way I'm playing this game:

Cookies: I'm giving them randomly, I could say when I've got a feeling like "Hmm... this girl/guy has a really impressive kennel/acc, she/he definietly deserves a cookie"
If you gave me one, as soon as I notice, I return the favour ;)

Breeding: Almost all of my males are up for breeding, the price is 100$ by every single one of them. If you would like to breed your girl with one of my boys, who isn't up for studding, send me a messenge, and I'll put him up for the same 100$. However, this isn't true for my females, because - since almost the half of my incomings are from my litters - I need them.

Dogs for sale:
This is something new, because I usually don't have 6+ days old for sale. But if I can't sell my 4E 24HH dogs as a pup, I'll keep them, and put them up for public sale. The price is 25.000 for the males and 30.000 for the females.

Litters: Usually I have plenty of litters with one reservable puppy.
- My litters are always vaccinated and gene tested
- Their socialization, bite inhibition and noise sensitivity are excellent (if they're not, it is because I hadn't enough time to take care of them, it depends on my daily duties and on my motivation at the end of the day)
- In the notes of the puppies you can see how many HH-s their genotipes contain
- I'm tryng to choose the top pup of the litter. But if you'd like to buy one of their siblings instead, just text me, and I'll do what I have to do ;)
- If I reject your bid, it is mostly because I got more bids, and I'm trying to be fair to everyone, so I accept the earlyest bid, without reference to the offered price. If you'd be rejected because of this, I'll send you a messenge, explain the situation, and offer you 2 choices:
1.) You can chose a reservable pup from one of my other litters for free
2.) I'll make a note for myself, and inform you when I have another litter from the certain mother/parents (that's a bit risky, because sometimes I got busy and disappear from FP for moths)

I offer my pups for 0$, you can pay as much as you think. But. - and this is the time you can call me rude -
Getting cheap dogs is good, not everyone can afford themselves to pay more 10.000-s for a puppy. I totally understand this, and because of these people I offer the chance. However, I've got costs with the litters (food, aptitude test, and most importantly time) so I want it to be wothy not just for you, but for me as well. So after a few years I decided to make some changes: You can still buy puppies from me even for free, however, there are some limitation. A person, who has already 2 accepted bids under 500$ will be rejected as a bidder until they offer at least 5000$. Why that much? Because if you buy a new dog in the "Purchase New" menu, you have to pay this price, even tho you're not able to see the stats of the dog.
And now you can say "Yeah, Weenie, of course, we've got your point, but don't you think you are selfish and greedy? If you want more profit, why don't you just make your prices higher?" Because it is not about the profit. My problem isn't with the people with low bids, because, to be honest, the shame is on me, I offered this, so I don't have high expectations. But (and in fact it happened more than once) when a person tries to buy up nearly your whole Litter's Kennel (as I mentioned earlier, I've got plenty of litters, so we're talking about 8-10-or even more dogs at a time) for 0-100$, well... it caaaaan feel a little bit awkward, you know ^^' However, I hope you'll understand why I decided to make these limitations, and if you don't, I am sorry, but I will not change my mind.

About me: I'm 22, living in Hungary, and studying to be a nature conservational engineer. I've got two pets: my wirehaired dachshund, Szafaládé (it's a kind of sausage in Hungary) and my cockatiel, Sergey. In my freetime I'm hanging with them, or with my "human friends", listening to music, watching movies/series/anime, playing games or doing creative stuff (drawing, writing, needlework) If you'd like to chat about anything, feel free to text me, and friend requests are gladly accepted :)
- A little summary:
~Zodiac Sign: Pisces
~Favourite movies: At the moment it is How To Train Your Dragon - The Hidden World. It's been a while, yet, I just can't get over it, this movie is a masterprice
~Favourite series: His Dark Materials, Witcher, Lucifer, Game Of Thrones, Avatar: The Last Airbender - and The Legend of Korra
~Favourite Anime: Kyoro-chan, Princess Mononoke, Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Lovely Complex, Wolf's Rain, Orenchi No Furo Jijou, ect... (just realized this list could be a little too long if I mention everything)
~Favourite games: WolfQuest, Criminal Case, Don't Starve:Together, Star Stable Online
~Favourite animals: canines, horses, and birds, especially ducks and parrots
~Favourite type of music: Well, to be honest on this field I'm kind of an omnivore - pop, rock, metal, symphonic - almost everything, except dubstep
~Favourite artists: Three Days Grace, Skillet, My Darkest Days, Nickelback, Halestorm, Hooligans and so many others

Game Time

05:13am on Mar 6

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